So first off, I know the whole don’t talk to people at your workplace thing, don’t hate me for it.

So I started working at my job, was sick for awhile, and came back. I started talking to this one girl, (17f) (legal in my state), and agreed on no relationship we can just mess around. We slept together, and after that I felt weird about the age thing even though its okay in my state, and that was really the end of that. Thing weren’t weird at work, and still aren’t.

This whole time I had my eye on another girl (19f) at work, but started really talking to her about two months after the whole situation with the other girl. I started talking to her, hanging out, the whole thing, and am now dating her. Only been actually dating for a week or so but this is where everything comes in. Before we talked about dating and everything, she asked me if I liked the other girl (17f) and I just said no–knowing that I did that stuff with her but I really did never like her like that, it was just a mess around thing. She made a joke about the age thing like jokingly “catch a case” but then after that nothing else about it.

Now that we are actually together, here is where I need help. Would/should I tell my girlfriend that I messed around with that other girl at work before we started talking? Or would you not want to know that if you were her? Obviously if she asked me about that specifically I would tell her, but I’m not sure if that’s something she would want to know. They are sort of friends at work, and I feel like saying that would really fuck things up and make them awkward. I also am worried about what she would think about me doing that from the “catch a case” comment. Also I don’t want the other girl might tell someone that we did, and it gets to my girlfriend before I told her. She hasn’t told anyone yet but what if she did? I just really need help it’s on my mind and I just don’t want to do the wrong thing.

Thanks for any advice, please I need anything.


TL;DR – Messed around with one girl at work before I started talking to and eventually dating another girl at work. Should I tell my girlfriend about it?

  1. If they’re friends she might already know? If you see this being a serious relationship, the longer you leave it the worse it may get for yourself… up to you but I would tell her about it

  2. Yes and you damn well know it. She outright asked you, yes she said “liked” but come on…you know she was asking.

    Tell her, be honest and open.

    Stop. Messing. At. Work.

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