What is it like to like living?

  1. It’s amazing and you can experience it too. Just get some help, if needed. Trust. You’ve got an entire community here that can help. All you need to do is ask.

  2. Yo I wish I could answer that question I think we are all just doing the best we can with the cards we are dealt and while it doesn’t seem right it just is and I wish nothing but peace for you and I hope you find a way to answer that question and when you do please share that with others good luck

  3. For me it’s fantastic. I wake up looking forward to next day,smile at sunrise (I get to see it most of the year) ,say “good morning” to everyone on bike trail and enjoy fresh air and warmth of sun on my face. I love my life and I thank God for extending it so far.I’m eternally grateful.

  4. Only thing that made me not want to kill myself was falling in love, before that I was cold and didn’t feel.
    It was like when you hands are cold and you hold them in warm water, feeling the warmth slowly spreading and thawing my heart, but then she left and I can feel the pain worse than ever and I just want to go to confession, take communion, and wait to die.

  5. It took me a long time to learn how to like living, and now I actually do.

    I do t k ow how I learned it, but I know it can be done.

  6. Not so much that I’m waking up like “woo-hoo! Another sunny day!”

    More just like death is a non option 🤷‍♂️

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