I am 25m and I am terrible at texting girls. Almost every girl I’ve texted eventually loses interest in me. So I just hangout in person. I see a lot of people constantly texting a girl and the girl talking to them enthusiastically but that never happens to me.
But I missed out on sooo many opportunities to find romance because I couldn’t text. How am I supposed to conduct myself while talking to girls via text.
And don’t tell me, “well if she like you she will text you” or whatever I know that. I just wanna learn how to text a girl and increase her interest.
Thank you guys.
Much love,
Yours truly, TheTerribleTexter

  1. Texting can be weird, some people love it and others don’t. It’s easy to overthink it. My advice is to text less. Let her lead. Be genuine when you do and then don’t sit around waiting for a response. Go out and do your own thing. Trust that you will be fine on your own terms. You are not going to win a girl over via text and texting too much can come off as needy.

  2. Everyone loves to talk about themselves.

    Ask questions about them and their interests. The good ones will ask questions back.

    Memes or funny anecdotes are usually a good way to get a reply as well, but make sure they’re the kind of humor women (particularly the one you’re talking to) like.

  3. Texting has always been my Achilles hill with girls but remember it takes two to tango if she’s interested you’ll be having a convo to 4am

  4. texting is to organize a date/hangout etc, its not for conversations. Learn about them in person etc, not over text unless people like being ghosted or friendzoned

  5. I just text to see how they are doing. Early on we don’t text that often except to organize the next meet up. My philosophy in dating is if you have to overthink your relationship early on, it is not worth it. Let them meet you half way

  6. I am a woman, my bf was like that and I was raging and thought he wasn’t interested until I found out he was just bad at texting and prefered in face to face. Eventually got used to itand even appreciated his only two messages a day in the early days lol.

    When you exchange numbers just say something like “I am really not a good texter, it’s not that I am not interested, I just find it easier in person, didn’t want you to get the wrong idea” and then it’s easy just easy talk and speak face to face more and she’s not thinking you are not interested.

    Other option, just let her do the texting and show genuine interest. In the beginning usually texts are about getting to know each other better just show genuine interest and things should flow.

    Don’t overthink it, good luck!

  7. Try to make it sounds like your normal speech. For example, I will type out “uh” and “um” and use the words “like” or “ya know?” because that’s how I really talk. One big thing I started doing was reading my texts again before sending them. Sometimes, it makes sense as you’re typing it, but it can come across totally different if you just read it monotone. Emojis make a world of difference.

    Feel free to spice up the convo a little bit if you’ve developed some rapport. Not a dick pic, but pictures of almost anything can get some attention. Some food you made, cookies you baked, a cool feature of your living area, maybe a pic of your abs or biceps if they’re notable or something. Gauge her response to see if you should send more or not.

  8. I’ve got an unlimited SMS plan, but I personally find WhatsApps interface easier to use

  9. I don’t go out enough to meet girls, but I usually just try to see what works.

    “Hey girl. I want to know what love is. Can you show me how to love?”

    Corny as fuck, but something like this will get a reaction. Either she blocks you or replies confused.

    A reaction is a reaction.

    Just got to accept that she might not like what you say. Trial and error is the key.

  10. Hi, I love your baby yoda on the bed behind you, we should meet up and trade baby yoda jokes.

    Go straight for the meet up, skip the texting.

  11. I am a terrible texter with women from my country, but I can text perfectly well with people on reddit. Women in my country are the worst in dating, according to a YouTube video made by foreigners. They never start chats, never ask about you. You have to basically force things out of them. And that makes communicating shit and I consider myself shit at it as well. But I met a girl on reddit in February and we clicked really good and now we’re a couple. Hope everything works out for you!

  12. Use text to set up your dates.
    She’s initially attracted to you and you’re not leading things foward; She’s going to get frustrated and drop you. Be a leader.

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