Do you look younger or older with facial hair or at least a shadow, why?

  1. I look older. My beard has started to turn gray. No matter how long or short the hair is, you can see the gray hair.

  2. Older but I still don’t look my age. I look younger, so without id look a lot younger.

  3. I look older but still not my age. I’m 28 and with my facial hair, a chinstrap and scruff, I look 25. If shave off just the scruff but leave the chinstrap, I look 20. If I shave off the strap and leave a goatee, I look 19; not much of a difference but still much younger than 28. If I go clean shaven I look like a 16 year old. It’s really just because I have bright skin. Ladies would call it radiant skin. And my smile creases are minimal.

  4. I guess older? But I prefer not looking like a bum. My facial hair doesn’t really match my face.

  5. It puts on a good 5 years, I’d say. I think it’s because the hair is generally gray looking.

  6. if i have my facial hair nicely trimmed up i look quite a bit older

    if i havent i look about the same age as i do without. wich is still older than i actually am

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