I know it’s a sketchy subject at times for women because a lot of guys are really weird about body hair on women… but I just want opinions for what you prefer when you’re with a guy.

Long story short I (27m) have clean shaved for years, I’ve always preferred it personally, I’m also an advocate that if I like a woman to be well groomed down there then there is no reason why I shouldn’t put the same effort in, but that’s beside the point! For some reason as I have gotten older, my pubic hair has reacted worse and worse to shaving, for the last year or so I have immediately come up with anything from redness, to full blown infected follicles that takes weeks to heal/scar. I have tried hair removal creams (even “pain-free” seems to burn like an acid also doesn’t remove my hair), waxing (honestly just too painful I do not understand how anyone does that regularly) and I started using an electric trimmer just to trim quite short, even that seems to cause issues.

I suppose it’s worth noting that most of this corresponds to my pubis specifically, I can shave my balls and the base without a problem most of the time.

So I guess I’m just asking what you girls (and guys) are expecting nowadays when your blokes trousers come off 😂


  1. Tbf for me any effort to tidy up is appreciated.

    I have to nag my boyfriend endlessly to to trim his pubes, I get the feeling he would rather not have blow jobs and doesn’t mind his pubes getting pulled during hand jobs and wrapped around cock rings etc 😑

  2. Perhaps it how or what you’re using?

    Ever since I’ve shaved my pubic area and thighs with a safety razor I no longer get bumps or infected follicles in those areas. I then take a modern razor to shave the balls, taint, and ass.

    Using this method has allowed me to stay smooth as butter.

  3. I like seeing that the guy’s downstairs is trimmed. It tells me that he puts some efforts into his appearance for me.

  4. I prefer hair to no hair but I don’t take any comments about my hair nor do I feel like I have any say in how someone else maintains theirs.

  5. There are a few companies that make trimmers that are supposed to be specifically for trimming your junk. Maybe look into one of these. Can find them at Target and other normal retailers.

  6. I have similar issues with hair removal (ashkenazi woman with lots of thick, dark hair here) and I just don’t anymore. I trim a bit and shave my bikini line when I need to, but I’ve learned to embrace my natural state. Thankfully, when I broached this topic with my husband and said I might not be up for shaving anymore, he was more than down. We’re both very into each other’s hair and find it very erotic. I’ve *always* found hairy men very sexy. I love chest hair and belly hair, too. 🥵

    Edit: when I say he was “more than down”, I mean he was fully supportive when I first mentioned it and said something along the lines of, “I’d rather you be hairy than itchy and bumpy and uncomfortable,” despite telling me five years prior he’d rather I shave. With time, his enthusiasm for my hairy body only grew and now he’s asked me to stop shaving my armpits this winter, too. Haha. Anyway, I think what we prefer has a lot to do with what we’ve seen over and over and maybe if you expose yourself to new things, you’ll find your preferences change over time. This could be true for your partner(s), too, so keep that in mind. 😊

  7. A full bush would look bad to me but well trimmed isn’t something I’d find unattractive at all

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