I (M25) dated this girl (F24) for a month or so. Things didn’t work out, but we agreed to be friends. Anyway, now a few months later, we’ve still kept our snap streak. At first, she would just send a single generic table pic or something. But the last couple weeks, she’s sending me multiple snaps per day with words.

I’ve asked her to hang out and she gives some excuse, so I’m assuming the “friend” stuff is out the window. If that’s the case then, why does she keep snapping me?

TLDR: Girl I dated keeps sending me snaps but never wants to hang?

1 comment
  1. She may like the attention? Some people really thrive on having people want them and knowing people want them even if they aren’t interested in that person. If she was interested in you she would want to hang out. She may be bored or just looking for attention. You could try not engaging with her and see what she does, that should give you a better picture of her intentions.

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