I don’t know how to look at people. I don’t look at them when they’re walking by me. Sometimes, I don’t even look at them when they’re speaking directly at me. I want to try, but I just don’t know when or how much eye contact is appropriate. Trying to hold eye contact is also a struggle for me.

  1. One thing that can help is practice looking yourself in the eye in a mirror. You want to be direct enjoy the view but don’t be a creep.

  2. try to think of it like this. making eye contact is a totally normal thing. not being able to make eye contact can be a sign of shyness and lack of confidence. it could also be nervousness. establish eye contact at the start, make eye contact before you start talking to someone, maintain eye contact 50% when speaking, hold your eye contact for about 5 seconds, then look away slowly. this could depend on the situation. rather than looking down or looking away, it shows lack of interest. make a gesture, and if it is hard to look at someone directly in the eyes, instead, look at their nose, mouth, or chin. this way you can practice on how to make better eye contact.

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