I’m 25m and I’ve been dating this girl 24f since May and she is literally perfect. She’s sweet, pretty, funny, family-oriented, smart and I can see myself being with her for a long time. I’m feeling inadequate/ down about myself because I still live at home. I live at home because I’m currently in grad school and I can’t work during the semester bevause of the demands if the programs on top of my clinicals. I took this semester off but majority of the money I make is going towards grad school expenses which is why I’m not actively saving for my own place yet. I have my own car, help my mom out around the house, and I lived on my own all four years in undergrad so I have at least been on my own before.

We’ve been on about 9 or so dates so far and I’ve paid for 7 of them and the other two she paid for and she told me she wanted to because I always pay. So even though I’m saving for grad school it’s not like we don’t go out and whenever we do I always offer to pay first even if she does end up paying. I think it would be easier if I had my own place because that way she could come over whenever she wanted and we wouldn’t have to ALWAYS go out and something that requires money. Plus my love language is physical touch so it would be nice if me and her were just cuddled on the couch watching movies. I have two more semesters left in the program spring and fall (I’ll be off in the summer) 23 and I graduate December of 2023. Realistically I won’t have my own place maybe until fall 2024 after I secure my first job in my profession. She hasn’t said anything about this and just from knowing her personality I doubt she cares but as a man sometimes these thoughts creep can get into you mr head and I have anxiety which makes it a little worse lol. I have a plan and I know what I need to do but I’m feeling down about myself because this girl I’m dating is everything I’ve ever wanted and the fact that I don’t have my own place and I’m not 100% financially stable yet makes depresses because I just want to be the best for her. Any advice will be appreciated.

  1. Honestly, spending time at parents’ homes watching movies has always happened with college students dating. There are always posts on older dating sites that “I haven’t met parents since college”. So, as her and your parents if it’s a possibility.

  2. I don’t think you have anything to worry about and your situation sounds quite normal for someone in grad school. You have your own car and enough spending money to do stuff with her. I can see why having your own place would be ideal but cuddling and watching tv at your place or hers is still a good option.

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