If you seen my story you know I’m getting divorced because my wife is infatuated with a Facebook guy who she calls her “twin flame” who she flew out of state to cheat on me with. She met him via FB in August on the phone and went there in September. It ruined our 8 years together. As sad as I am to say, I hope whatever the hell they have together crashes and burns and goes straight to hell. Do these things last? Have any of you all had this happen? What’s the likelihood of it stopping? I am not gonna be with her anymore but I can’t help to hear that one day it self destructs. For some reason and maybe y’all can help me with this, she tried convincing me on the phone that “she doesn’t have any boyfriends” but her public Instagram says otherwise. Why does she want me to think otherwise? There’s sex and kissing and “in love” posts about twin flames all over there. And destiny quotes about twin flames. Please tell me this nonsense one day will crash and burn. She was willing to throw away our marriage, her son’s dad, and everything we ever built together over this.

  1. She’s likely getting lovebombed by someone with shit intentions. With that said, people don’t just up and leave relationships for the better model. There were likely existing problems in your relationship that she viewed as irreparable.

    I’m sorry this is happening and I hope you find some peace after all this but definitely keep in mind that some stranger on the internet isn’t solely responsible for your wife’s actions. Something was missing and she did not communicate that to you (or did and it went ignored).

  2. Well, statistically most 2nd marriages fail, and it being long distance will just add to that possibility. I understand the desire, but you need to focus on you and your child right now.

  3. Twin flames usually are for lessons, so romantic ones tend to crash n burn under that pressure.

    Shitty reason to cheat. If she just left it would still hurt, but giving you the added bonus of trust issues and gut wrenching betrayal was extra shitty.

    Talk that shit out with a therapist and work on healing.

  4. It is hard to tell if something like that will crash and burn. What I can tell you is that relationships do not thrive on passion alone. Friendship, commitment, love and passion are four of the most important components of a relationship. If they have only one of those it is fair to say that at some point it will self destruct. However, I urge you to focus on yourself and leave their interaction out of your mind as this will only drive you crazy.

  5. There no such thing as a soul mate or a “twin flame”. That’s nonsense…

    I’d bet a house payment that whatever she’s into is going to end disastrously. Think about it…she’s with someone who is either immature enough to believe this shit or manipulative enough to convince her that he is. And she’s the type of person to fly across the country to cheat on her husband based on this nonsense. A relationship is only as healthy as the people in it.

    Ultimately, it doesn’t matter, tho. Stop torturing yourself. Why are you looking at her social media posts? Just cut her ass off and focus on getting through this divorce. It’s time to take care of you. Fuck what she’s doing.

  6. My ex husbands affair partner posted twin flame shit all over Facebook. He love bombed the shit out of her. “I’ll never let anything come between us” “there’s no one else who gets me like you” “you’re amazing” while telling me he wasn’t sleeping with her and was using her cos she was useful to him for transport etc.

    Don’t look, it’s not worth it. And don’t look back, you aren’t going that way. Once you stop looking back and focus on the present and the future, I promise you, life gets so much better

  7. I’ve heard sometimes “ twin flames “ last and sometimes they don’t. I am sorry 😞

  8. There is a really good podcast about the “twin flames universe” movement. Check it out. But you won’t like what you hear.

  9. I think it is your fault that it all went to bits. Empty can rattles the most. Are you looking for sympathy here?
    It is clearly something was not there in the relationship with you. In my eye you did rather poorly if a stranger over the internet can steal your wife.

    Lesson for you before you make the same mistake in your next relationship figure it out what was it. Ask her. She holds valuable information.

    You will have few more partners in your life it is not a big deal we all learn from mistakes. Good experience for you!

  10. Basically, the only people who believe in twin flames are cheaters who are looking for another sad excuse to justify cheating.

    And don’t listen to these people who say you had anything to do with it. You didn’t. The problem lies with her being a mature adult with the ability to handle a relationship maturely. Whether she has other issues that cause and effect that ability only a doctor could says. But it’s a HER problem not a YOU problem.

    Please seek out independent counseling to help you work through the trauma of the betrayal you’ve experience. It really does help if you find the right therapist. (Key being, the right therapist.)
    I’m so sorry OP.

  11. First off she is hormonal. I would shocked if this were a real “twin flame” there are names for hormones secreted during an affair. I cant remember right now. It can make it feel like magic. She is a cheater, and she will come out of this, because it will not work out. She will crash and burn. I would let her go, and try to heal around the situation. The trust is broken there is no where to go with her.

  12. Oh OP I’m sorry this happened to you but LOL. She is going to crash and burn so hard. This is a completely delusional way of thinking, she’s hoping some guy sent from the universe will “save” her. If you pop over to the twin flames subreddit you’ll see a ton of sad, lonely people essentially stalking their past crushes or exes and pretending that their rejections are negated by secret communication from the universe. Even though their ex partner could easily just pick up the phone and call them because it’s 2022 and communication is very accessible, they reason they’re communicating telepathically their true feelings. It’s extremely scary tbh and mostly just pathetic.

    To justify cheating on you and leaving you after so much time together for this shows everything about her character. She made her bed, let her lie in it. This will blow up spectacularly but I suggest you just block her on everything now so she can’t come running to you when it does.

  13. Wtf is a twin flame and how does she even know he’s hers without ever meeting him before..

  14. Limmerence

    the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one’s feelings but not primarily for a sexual relationship.

    It’s easy to love bomb someone online and feed them the twin flames vs, because online doesn’t have any of the downsides of reality.

    Online people don’t have shit stains in their drawers, they don’t pee on the seat, they don’t chew weird, they don’t have dentist appointments they can’t change so they’re going to have to be late for the movie, but why don’t you just go and I’ll find you inside the theater because if we go to the later show it’ll be too late and I have to be to work early, and no I can’t really go on another night because this week is hectic….

    So it’s easy to put a bs expectation of what romance is on top of the whole twin flame narrative.

    But it’ll always fall apart because it’s not based on reality.

  15. Relationships tend to work when people put their focus and energy into their partner.

    I’m going to guess that she stopped putting her effort into your relationship a long time ago.

    Will they crash and burn? Who knows. The old adage of “how you got them is how you will lose them” probably happens more often than not, but only time will tell.

    What you should be doing is focusing on yourself. She is gone… but even if she came crawling back, there isn’t an upside in being her backup plan. She isn’t a safe person.

    Your mission should be to get to “fuck it” as soon as possible. Closure is when you think about her and you don’t care about her in the slightest. It will be rough for awhile, but pain fades- and you will find the right person for you when you are ready.

  16. Nah. “Twin flames” are just more ridiculous nonsense cheaters came up with to excuse their actions. It even sounds like something that a 13 year old would say. Every dude she hooks up with will be her soulmate, other half, blah blah blah, until she moves on to the next one. But for your sake you should stop paying attention to what she is doing, block her on social media and focus on yourself. Only communicate with her about co-parenting your kid.

  17. Well, I don’t believe in the concept but yes to answer your question. They are 12 years together, married 10 and have a kid every year. So that.

  18. the intensity of an early “twin flame” relationship is often some form of trauma bonding or match in childhood wounds. super exhilarating and ultimately explosive. so yeah i’d say pretty strong likelihood it ends in chaos

  19. She‘s just got hooked on the idea that there is this *one person out there that is perfect for her*.
    Yeah, it’s bullshit. But it’s a symptom of being unhappy in her current relationship.
    Whatever triggered this behaviour – she wasn‘t happy with you, and you should be glad it‘s over.

    It doesn’t help wanting her to be miserable. You have a kid together, it’s in your best interest if she‘s fine, so he won’t have to suffer from this too much.
    I know, it sucks. But you deserve someone who’s actually as engaged into the relationship as you are.

  20. Mate, she’s a fucking bellend. Block her on everything and live your life as if this waste of oxygen doesn’t exist.

  21. Oh fuck, we should have a support group for people whose partners left them for a “twin flame” who is magically their other half in a super toxic relationship, but only if they grow spiritually, they will be in the perfect relationship. But until then, it’s giving up everything that might actually end up in a healthy and good relationship. It hurts, being dumped for a fantasy perpetuated by tiktok and old people facebook. Well, just try to handle it like any other excuse for being dumped. I know it’s difficult because it hurts when someone tells you “I’m dumping you because I think with this toxic person I’m destined to be with”. It feels like shit to not even been considered as an option because they feel like it’s out of their hands, they cannot change fate. It’s like trying to reason with belief. It’s not going to work. My only advice is to go through the emotions, grieve for yourself, have compassion for yourself, and know that you’ll find a new relationship in which the other person will love you.

  22. It’s nonsense. She’s experiencing limerence for him. It will most likely crash and burn. So sorry you’re going through this.

  23. Homeboy told her whatever she wanted to hear so he can hit. Expect her crawling back with a mixture of tears and mystery liquids

  24. Oh no has he gotten sucked into Twin Flames Universe? That’s such a scam and/or cult

  25. Why obsess over it and makes sense of something that doesn’t make sense to do?

    Betrayed always think there is this grand design behind shitty decisions.

    They’re just bad decisions and people, in their quest not to deal with the consequences…double fucking DOWN on those shit decisions.

    Then once their life trainwrecks to the point they can’t run anymore…then the sobbing, pleading, and forgiveness request arc with your kids and you kicks in.

    Just hurry with the divorce while she makes it easy and invest time into your kids and yourself.

    Remember no person makes you happy. They are auxiliary to your own happiness choices. They fuck you over? Dump them. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Haven’t had one woman get a chance to cheat on me since adopting this philosophy.

    Ripping the bandaid off becomes easier each time.

  26. Okay so like I might sound really kooky for saying this and like idk if it’ll make you feel better but who knows it might. I do personally believe in twin flames and soulmates however I do not believe that these relationships are necessarily romantic all the time. However, if you do some research into twin flame relationships the idea behind them isn’t that this is your perfect match. All it means is that this is your mirror soul. Generally twin flame relationships are super rocky at best. These relationships do not last long in general due to the intense similarities in personality, thought patterns, and even past traumas. So like in reality, if this is truly her twin flame it’s going to crash and burn really badly.

    NOW, my personal opinion on this post just based on the information given is that OP’s wife is full of bullshit and naive and selfish. And she is using this concept of a twin flame as an awful excuse. I’m so sorry you are going through this and I do wish you the very best.

  27. I had a boyfriend once who tried to explain to me he couldn’t stop talking to his ex because they were tethered together by the “red string of fate”. He definitely cheated a few times with her and I only found out after our break up.

    He was the worst partner I’ve ever had, and I’m glad I never have to see him again.

    My suggestion is to move past her, because she’s full of bullshit.

  28. Got dumped by my people pleaser and compulsive fixer ex so she could spend more time trying to be mummy to random drug addicts so kinda… honestly it’s not going to last it’s going to crash and burn and freeze free to watch a laugh from the sidelines oh and make sure you have your lawyer already sorted

  29. My crazy spiritual ex use to pull the “we’re twin flames” crap. She ended up leaving me for some other dude. 2 years later she sent me this whole tic tok about how sorry she was to have hurt her twin flame and she hopes I’m doing better. I pretty much told her to go fuck herself and to never contact me again. They say that “twin flame” nonsense to try to make their partner feel better and to put their relationship on a pedestal. I’ll bet itll be over in a year or less and she’ll start hoovering you all over again

  30. In my experience, anyone who is so invested in the idea of a “twin flame” is either immature or mentally unwell. I have never heard a mature and balanced person use that term or post anything about it. It’s like “soul mate” for whackadoodles.

    That being said, the idea of soul mates is bullshit too. To quote Dan Savage, “The perfect ‘1’ does not exist. You find your 0.7 or 0.8 and round the fuck up.”

    My guess is that she is either really immature or having some kind of mental health crisis. This is almost certainly going to end poorly for her. A long distance relationship with an equally emotionally stunted or manipulative affair partner? Thats gonna go south quickly.

    When she inevitably tries to get you back, remember that you dodged a bullet here and dont do it. Just go ahead and block her on everything.

  31. She probably will, but only once her new supply is no longer around. She sounds narcissistic. Needs to have a smear campaign and her flying monkeys at the end of your relationship to try to make you look bad. Hopefully you’ll be over her and all of this craziness by the time she trys to hoover you

  32. I had to Google something about it even to see what people might be saying.

    If your wife gave into that nonsense, she’s really insecure. It’s all b.s.

    Technically, I believe that all souls are split off from a bigger wholw. But that means we are all each other’s “twin flame.” I therefore believe that your wife is operating from a limited perspective and is guaranteed to suffer.

    It is what it is.

    Just make sure you get 100% custody. If she wants to galavant halfway across the world for nonsense, than your home is much more stable for a child.

    J. S.

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