In this context I mean the girls that pretend to be “one of the boys” and make fun of other girls for wearing makeup and doing “girly” stuff

  1. I knew a couple of them. They were all fakes. Except one. She was a lesbian and she was very fun to be with

  2. Not a fan of women putting other women down for the approval of men.

    However, I think everybody should be free to be who they want to be. If a woman is more comfortable in the company of men, then that’s absolutely fine.

  3. She has issues.

    I dont care though, i’ll just protect myself and keep her where she only brings positive things in my life.

  4. I think generally anyone making fun of someone else doing sth lowkey is running away from sth they really wanna do but can’t for whatever excuse be it being made fun of just as well. Just projecting.

  5. I think it’s yet another example of women sabotaging each other instead of being supportive. I remember when Julia Roberts attended a movie premiere with unshaven armpits, and she was massively criticised for it by mostly other women. Men – confident men – aren’t the ones fixated on superficial appearances.

    I also don’t think that women need to look or behave in such limited ways to attract men. If you find Mr. Right, you’re going to want to keep him forever, so can you keep playing dress-up for the rest of your life? I think you have to do whatever is comfortable and sustainable, and be the person that you *both* can live with.

  6. I watch Roma army and she is called that a lot, but she is an advocate for men’s rights!

    I actually like “pick me girls” they treat men like human beings and respect that men have feelings and tough times.

    Pick me’s are women who are true feminists in my eyes, they champion equality and not the misandry that is rife at the moment.

    – don’t own a fedora😂

    Men’s rights have been destroyed by this wave of misguided misandry, that it supporters scream is feminism-it’s not.

    True feminism is inclusive!

    What so wrong about a woman openly admitting she is into a guy and respects him for who he is? I’d much rather the pick me’s than the girls who follow drew and think they are decent people.

  7. I’ve got a couple of chicks like this in my friends group, they’re cool to hang out with, but I wouldn’t date one

  8. I don’t like the term “pick me”. There’s a negative connotation there that just feels judgemental. Not all girls likr the same shit. If a girl wants to hang out with the boys, why not? She just has to keep up like everyone else. The fact that she’s more likely to end up in a relationship comes more from the fact that she has common interests with the guys she hangs out with, and makes herself approachable and enjoyable to be around.

    So, I think the judgement comes from a measure of jealousy. You can’t attract guys if you never interact with guys.

    But, on that note, sometimes they become too much like the guys and it becomes offputting. Gotta strike a balance.

  9. If they’re making fun of other girls, then I think they have self-esteem problems about themselves.

  10. Beware a woman who has a disproportionately large number of male friends. Ok to fuck but don’t get your heart tangled up in that machine.

  11. Well … I love it when girls to girly stuff. So I dislike the premise.

    About the pick me girl herself … well picking her comes with some early maintenance duty, giving her enough security to be more comfortable with herself. Afterwards, a healthy relationship is generally possible.

    The important question is whether or not she is worthy of such maintenance efforts.

  12. Nearly every time I’ve heard a woman call another woman a “pick me” it’s just an excuse for them to put another woman down. It’s a heavily misused term and kind of annoying.

    I’ve met far more women who use that term in the wrong way than the actual girls you’re taking about. Come to think of it, I’ve never known any girl like that except maybe when I was in high school.

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