I (28M) went on a coffee date last week with someone (29F) from a dating app. Basically just a meet up to see if we could even stand to be in the same room as each other. I mainly agreed to go just to get out of my comfort zone. I went in with zero expectations. We ended up totally losing track of time and sitting there for nearly 3 hours chatting away until we both had to part ways for prior commitments.

I texted her the next day telling her it was really great meeting her and that we should do that again sometime. She responded quickly with a date and time for our next date, and I locked it in. I told her I’ll think of something to do and let her know. Couple days later we just touch base with each other and she tells me “by the way if you’re struggling to come up with ideas for what to do, I have something in mind!” While I’m not the best when it comes to reading minds, I was pretty sure that this sounded like a hint to let her choose, so I told her to have at it.

Now, I have absolutely no problem with this. I am looking for a long-term relationship, and being lucky enough to have grown up in a family full of happy, successful marriages, I know that equality is the best policy for long-term stability.

But at the same time, I’ve never been with any woman who was this…assertive(?) before. I’ve always been under the impression that it is the man’s job to be in the proverbial driver’s seat towards the beginning of the relationship. So while I’m not bothered by this (in fact I am kind of turned on to tell the truth), I am kind of worried about how I’m supposed to be responding to this.

So how am I supposed to be responding to this? A small part of me wonders if this is some kind of challenge to see if I am a pushover. But even though I don’t know her well she strikes me as a woman who isn’t into playing games, she just knows what she wants.

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