I live in a pretty big city and today, as I was walking down a very crowded street, I got stopped by some guy who asked me what my name was. I answered and we chatted for a bit. He went on to compliment me on my style and said that he just had to try to talk to me or else he would’ve regretted it. Now, I didn’t find him too attractive or interesting, therefore, although we had a decent amount of chemistry and I appreciated the boldness, I don’t think I’ll ever be going out with him. But I have to say, he didn’t come off as creepy and the whole thing was quite flattering.
So I was wondering, girls, how do you feel when this happens to you? What do you like or dislike about it?
And, guys, is this something you do on a regular basis (like a shtick of some sort)/ never ever do / only do if you find a girl particularly striking? I’m curious.

  1. Never done it. Closest thing to it was throwing a paper aeroplane at a train passenger who was giving me eyes. We chatted for the journey but nothing came of it.

  2. I think a lot of it depends how you do it. In this case he commented on your style not your looks. I’ve mentioned to women that they smell nice, if they are wearing a nice perfume, but I say it as a matter of fact. It always starts a conversation as they’ll say thanks, and what it is, and how often they wear it etc. It’s not always to get a number, but just because they did smell nice, and I’ve had women say it to me, on the occasions I do.

  3. When some guy stops me on the street I usually give it a minute or two to find out why they have stopped me. But the ones that right off the bat are yelling things at me of a hitting on nature I’ll ignore them. It is all about how I’m approached and where. I read body language and walk of the guy usually tells me some initial things. So much like everyone is saying.. it depends 😅

  4. I really love random interactions with strangers and have them on regular basis! Doesn’t have to be romantic. Can be an old lady, tourists in the city, women, or men. Sometimes I approach, sometimes they do. Some of the guys have asked me out. It’s flattering, but it’s also nice if you can brighten someone else’s day with a small chitchat or compliment. According to my ex that’s my special talent.

    Though I usually enjoy it, I feel men are creepy when they ask to immediately walk me home, have no opening beside ‘how you doing’ or ‘do you have a boyfriend’, when they’re drunk, or if it’s dark and we’re alone and just not a general safe environment.

  5. I don’t like talking to people at random, for whatever reason, so I would not like this. If I’m out doing something, I don’t want to be interrupted. I’m not good with spontaneity or unplanned things though, so I’m sure more spontaneous people would have different thoughts

  6. >And, guys, is this something you do on a regular basis


    The girl might think I’m a creep!

    (Besides, my wife probably won’t like it too much… 😁)

  7. It doesn’t happen often at all. But it happened the other day. I was waiting for someone outside the station, and a guy (whom I found very attractive – tall, fit and warrior-like) approached with a friend of his. He asked me if I knew any clubs in the area. We talked for half an hour or so (in the meanwhile his friend walked away discreetly). He loved my hairstyle (I have extremely short hair) and touched it. Then he typed his name on my phone, and when I was leaving he kissed my hand and gave me a hug. He was quite bold but sweet. I ended up adding him on facebook. We chatted for a bit, but he’s not local so I think that was that.

  8. >guys, is this something you do on a regular basis (like a shtick of some sort)/ never ever do / only do if you find a girl particularly striking?

    absolutely the fuck now, lolol

    i don’t feel like getting maced or a drink thrown at me. i’m not a good looking guy, i’m fat and i don’t have otherworldly social skills. plus, as a black guy, it’s literally just another step towards getting arrested cause i made someone uncomfortable and called the police.

    all in all, it’s a horrible idea. lol

  9. I’ve started random conversations with mixed results, but it’s really cool to hear some perspectives from women on the topic.

  10. At last, a girl says that daygame is not creepy!

    Apparently this is correct, if only some guys could understand when the conditions for approaching are appropriate. Creepy is when you stop a lone girl in a remote street, or follow her without speaking, or bar her way while she is in a hurry etc.

    Timing is also important. You do not interrupt a girl while speaking on the phone, you do not rush after a girl while she is heading to the toilet. Simple things, but lots of men prefer to complain instead of learning from their mistakes.

  11. The only thing I do to random women on the street it complement their outfit if it’s cool then disappear like a NPC.

  12. I’ve never done this, but I’m envious of men who can do it in a non creepy way. I am socially awkward and have a huge stutter, and to be frank, not very interesting. I’m almost certain i’d end up massively creeping out any woman i’d try this with.

  13. It’s always flattering to hear that someone is attracted to me, but at the same time i don’t like rejecting people and there is zero chance i will be interested in dating someone i just casually bumped into in a cafe or wherever (I’m demisexual) so overall i prefer not to be approached on the street. But as long as men are respectful, I have no issue with it and respect their courage and initiative. It just won’t work out with me.

  14. I don’t mind them, but I did find it creepy when the guy was a security guard who told me he’d watch for me every day when I left work because he thought I was beautiful….

  15. I’m flattered if approached by a stranger. Even if I don’t like them I’d play it off and maybe even give them my number if they ask for it

  16. As a single man, I can tell you my perspective. I’ve approached some women that I found attractive and who at the time had a good atmosphere to talk about. The reactions were positive, but not all like to talk to strangers. I understand the female view, it’s not easy to have confidence with someone we’ve never seen before. But if we communicate politely and with compliments, we can have a good conversation. But I talk to singles, who think about getting a friendship or a date with random people, it’s pretty unlikely. Women will only have confidence with someone they know, in person or online, never with a stranger. But if you like to praise women, say they’re beautiful and smart, then talk, they love to hear it. You can increase your ego and make them smile. And that’s it.

  17. I really don’t mind being approached like that, it’s happened to me before and I also find it flattering even if I don’t find the guy attractive. I just think it’s cool when people stop to talk to me, whether it’s platonic or not :^)

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