What is your guilty financial pleasure and how did you control or eliminate it?

  1. Vacations. I have one credit card I use for travel, and I ran up a balance over $10,000. I’m making monthly payments on the credit balance, and I still have 2 years before I pay it all the way down.

    Now I Iimit my travel budget to the amount of my tax return and whatever extra I can save throughout the year (like any bonus I receive, or the months when I get 3 paychecks instead of two). So it’s all cash, nothing on credit. If I’m careful about planning it all out, I usually manage one week-long trip in the summer, one overnight for my anniversary in the fall, and one weekend trip in the winter. It just takes a lot of organization and pre-planning.

  2. Online shopping for clothes&fashion.
    Haven’t find a way how to fight against it yet 🙈

  3. I play the lottery every once in a while. Fully aware that odds are near impossible, but it’s fun to daydream a bit.

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