I broke up with my girlfriend of 7 years, if I hadn’t, we’d have our anniversary today, she was my best friend, and the only person I have ever opened my feelings too.
I have a lot of friends, but none I can call best friend material, none I’ve ever shared my feelings with.
Every time I hang out with people I have the screaming desire to let them know I’m sad and they comfort me all without it being awkward and sad.

I’m the one who broke up the relationship, the fights and everything we’re getting emotionally taxing to the point I completely emotionally shut down. I don’t know who I am anymore and every moment I wonder about what I really want and what would make me happy. I genuinely did not have the emotional capacity to open anymore, I used to cry so much but hardened.

I can’t remember the last time I cried but I need too, I need to let my feelings known I need someone to hear my lonely screams, I need someone to tell me realistically and let me know I won’t be judged for it.

I constantly wish I get invited one on one and not as a part of a group so I can actually have an intimate friend, I can share feelings.

This isn’t a cry for help, just needed to vent.

  1. A big change like the end of a long term relationship can be extremely hard, even if it was the right thing to do (and credit to you for recognizing that ti needed to be done for your health and following through).

    Perhaps your family is more compassionate than you may think. I can’t say 100% for certain, but you might be surprised how caring they can be. It is okay to desire support and wanting to vent your emotions. Therapy can help if you are open to it (and can afford it).

    Be kind to yourself. It will take time to get used to the New Normal, and the journey is different for everyone. Eat the ice cream if you need to. Cry if you need to. But try not to lash out in anger, as the grief can make mountains out of molehills.

    Your feelings *are* valid. It *will* get better. You *can* do this.

  2. This sounds tough.

    Is there a friend you can call up and have the chat with? Let them know you wanted to share something personal and if they were upto it. I would say if you dont have guy friends that can offer that support, seek a female friend.

    I’m sorry you’re struggling but you did it for the better. It sucks before it gets better, even though you dont feel it right now.

    What helps me is watching a weepy movie and that gets the tears going.

    Or go to a secluded place and just scream. Or write a journal. Journaling always helps me personally.

    If you need to chat with someone, and dont have anyone irl, i can help. No judgement

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