If you learned tonight that earth was being attacked by an extraterrestrial force, what would you do?

  1. Die, probably.


    I mean, if they’ve got the tech to get here from wherever they came from, they probably have the tech to shitkick us all into the gutters.

    And if they bothered to make the trip to begin with, they probably aren’t going to go *”Ah, crap! There’s already folks living here! Guess we’ll just mosey on down to the next cluster, better luck next time.”*

  2. I’d just score some of that red weed. Worked in War of the Worlds.

    If they’re attacking then they are after colonising our rock or stripping it of resources, and in the grand scheme of things, they will take whatever they want.

    The sound of our complaints would likely be akin to the complaints of ants toward a keen gardener. We would be considered mere bacteria to an intergalactic or interdimensional invasion force.

    Which brings us back to the red weed. Everybody gotta grow dat weed by law.

  3. Probably still have to fucking go to fucking work be cause I still fucking need to eat.

    The apocalypse is just shit.

  4. Do exactly what I’m doing now (Going to sleep)
    I’ll either face it in the morning, or I won’t. 😆

  5. Sounds like something an extraterrestrial force would say to understand our defenses…

    Nice Try, Alien!

  6. Head to the Winchester, order a nice cold pint and wait for the whole thing to blow over.

  7. Nobody kills my chick and lives.

    So, I’d steal a Zat’nik’tel and fight my way to the Goa’uld responisble for the attack and kill him myself.

  8. Really depends on the extraterrestrials.

    Like is this your standard sci fi aliens who for plot reasons have drastically underestimated human pluck and ingenuity?

    Or the inherently superior aliens with one crippling vulnerability (no immune system, die when exposed to water, etc)?

    Are we talking about the small band of alien outlaws here for their own motives, who arent backed up by any larger force?

    Or are we talking the huge unstoppable empire with unmatched resources?

    And, like, what are they planning to do when they get here?

    Are we talking a ravenous horde, here to consume us?

    Or some weird, effete wimpy aliens here to save us from ourselves?

    Or an unstoppable machine here to extract resources without any concern for our futile resistance?

    Either way, if theres one thing that video games have taught me, the answer is always “double barreled shotgun”.

  9. “it’s Saturday night, I’ve got no date, a two liter bottle of Shasta, and my all Rush mixtape! Let’s rock!”

  10. Grab the popcorn. I’m European and everyone knows that aliens always land in the US.

    So i’ll be fine

  11. I’d get a lawn chair out and drink a beer in the nude. If I’m gonna go out I want to do it my way.

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