What do you guys like to hear? Like the ones that gets your heart going all fluttering and that?

  1. Almost 2 years ago, a couple of the girls from work said i smelled really nice. When the first noticed, she called her friend over. That made my week and more. 🙂

  2. I don’t really get compliments much at all, but there’s one from when I was in high school that did get my heart racing a feeling “fluttery.”

    A girl I had a huge crush on asked if she could write in my yearbook and I happily gave it to her, and I felt my heart hurt when I read

    “Will, I’m so glad I met you this year. We weren’t very close 1st semester but 2nd semester was more enjoyable because of you. You’re personality is also probably your best trait =) you can make so many people smile. I’ll miss you next year and hope you have a bright future ❤️”,

    Just the idea of having someone I was so infatuated with tell me that getting to know made her life more enjoyable was just something I didn’t know how to process. I’ve never wanted to kiss someone as much as I did then. This level of feeling appreciated in a way no one has ever told me before was something else.

    I had to physically restrain myself from writing my phone number in her yearbook when she gave me her’s to write in.

  3. When my girl lets me know I’m pleasing her in bed or she’s attracted to me.

  4. I like the way you talk or anything related to articulation , also u smell nice is good one

  5. A girl I used to be in looove with all throughout high school texted me once in college that “you have nothing to worry about, you’re gorgeous.” and I’ll NEVER fucking forget that lol

    Anything my wife says to me now. Like how I’m the best fuck she’s ever had because I actually know how a woman’s body and more importantly, her body. How sexy she finds me doing XYZ things. How I’m the funniest guy she’s ever known. Things like that go a million miles for me because words of affirmation are a huge love language.

    I’d say my proudest one though is that essentially every girl I’ve ever talked to/dated/hooked up with/etc. has ALWAYS texted me after the fact, whether its days or months (and the rare occasion, years later) to tell me that I was a genuinely good guy and they were really thankful I treated them with the respect and care they may not have gotten in other relationships. “I feel safe with you” has been a common one and that always stuck with me. It feels good to be that for someone.

  6. The answer isn’t boilerplate, and if you just throw one of these at him, it will likely seem cringy and artificial, which is actually worse than saying nothing.

    My wife knows me well enough to know what to say and when, and really mean it, too.

  7. Any compliment is my favorite. Even the smallest compliment brightens my whole day.

  8. My current girlfriend always tells me I look and smell amazing after I workout. I don’t necessarily agree with the smell part, but it makes me happy.

  9. Ive literally never been complimented outside of family until i was out a couple nights ago and a woman came up to me and said ‘YOU ARE GORGEOUS’ so i guess that

  10. less of a com;liment and more of knowledge that no matter what they will care about me. this one is different though and probably stems from the hate i recieve for political stuff

  11. My favorite compliment is a genuine expression of joy in response to something I am or have done. The words don’t really matter as much as the emotion behind them.

  12. That I have pretty eyes. I also heard, secondhand, that somebody said if anybody ever went after me, there’d be a lot of people defending me. That surprised me. All I did was try to be friendly and not draw much attention to myself.

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