Note: We’re both 14 with me being male and her being female, and have been dating since late April this year. But, she has moved away to the other side of the world.

So lately she’s been spending less time with me on calls. Usually we’d have 11+ hour calls, but now it’s only 7 or lower. And now she takes 5+ hours to respond when a month or two ago she would text me back within 30 minutes. I feel as though shes hiding something from me, and is either too scared or shamed to tell me. She’s also stopped telling me things like where she’s going and who she’s going with. Its just; “Love, I have to go somewhere soon.” And that’s about it. Whenever she says she’s with a male friend she always says “their gay, don’t worry love.” And I find it hard to believe that all and I mean all of those male friend are gay. I have nothing against gay people or anyone of the lgbtq community, as long as they don’t mess with me or my girlfriend in any negative way. But, it’s still hard to believe. TL;DR She has spent less time with me on calls, stopped telling me where it is she goes before & after calls, and who it it she goes with. So is she cheating on me or am I overthinking?

Edit: Sorry I forgot to mention a few more things. During the first month I found out that we’re both crazy in love with each other, and even if she talks less to me she stills tries her best to make time to talk to me. As I do for her. It’s the first time being in a relationship for me and her, and we’ve done a lot and I mean a lot together. She’s the sweetest person if you get to know her, but she kind of isolates herself from others unless she has to talk to people. This is the only relationship I care about, and she’s the one I wanna marry and grow old with. She also feels the same about me, but I feel as though the flame is dying a little. TL;DR We both love one another very much to the point where we wanna be with each other for the rest of our lives, but I feel like her love for me is dying a bit.

  1. You’re 14, this isn’t worth it. This was never going to amount to anything anyway and LDRs as teens are stupid.

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