I’m (20F) pretty much ready to get into the dating scene and eventually be in a relationship and the best way for me to do that right now is probably dating apps. I’m in uni but no one speaks to each other and at work I constantly get hit on but it’s by people out of my age range and the attraction usually just isn’t reciprocated. I’m just not sure if anything successful comes out of these apps like hinge and bumble. I’ve tried them before but not for long bc it tends to be an influx of guys that tend to want just sex. If anyone on here has had good experiences, I’d love to hear them! ☺️

  1. I’m a 22M and I’ve managed to get a couple matches that seemed promising but didn’t work out, for context. As a 20F on a dating app you’re going to probably get a lot of likes from people who just want sex, from what I understand, so you’ll have to have a very good idea of what you want and be able to pick up on red flags. You will probably find a lot of dates but I don’t know how often they’ll turn into something more than just a fun night out. If you have any women friends who use dating apps they would probably be a good source of advice. Best of luck to you if you choose the online dating route!

  2. You will definitely get a lot of attention on dating apps but it may not be the type of attention you want, from the people you want. Since you’re enrolled in uni I’d suggest socializing more at school, since those people are already around your age and would likely have more in common with you than randos on a dating app. Are there social/activity/hobby clubs you could join that are organized by your uni or by other students?

  3. It depends on what you want. If you want lots of sex with random men, then they are an amazing thing you will not regret using. However if you want those men to be friends with you, or god forbid even start a committed serious relationship with, then the question stops being if using one is a good idea or not, and instead becomes a question of how much you can deal with of those men fucking you around, leading you on, not being interesting in the slightest, all those things. If you can deal with a lot of bad moments before they get to you, then you should try, if you have a low tolerance, then stick to going to bars and being social, dating apps will just hurt you.

  4. Online dating is much like life in many aspects.

    The key to sucess is to set clear boundaries and wants. Practice healthy behaviors around those boundaries and drop anyone who crosses them. Keep your thinking, feeling, and actions in balance, and what you can control of your experiences in it will probably be ok.

  5. It can be good to get dates and for hook ups, but finding a relationship can be hard. It can also be a very toxic element in your life and mess with your self esteem

  6. Guys want sex and that will never stop. When did girls decide to now want to engage? It’s okay to have intamacy. People are strange

  7. I’m going to make a thread for all the undesirable humans on dating apps. These folks are absolutely the bottom of the barrel. I’m not being rude I’m being honest. These humans are atrocious!

  8. 20 is way too young to not meet men naturally in real life. You will permanently stunt your social skills and end up on Reddit a decade from now with dating woes. Look at these people- they’ve been on tinder for YEARS and are miserable. Join a club or hobby at school to meet men, or even better work really hard on school and avoid them outside some sex every now and then, because men are shit at 20 and statistically you will grow apart after 25 from anyone you meet now.

  9. I’m significantly older than you, but I met my bf on Hinge when I was 33 and it’s the best relationship I’ve ever had.

  10. They’re a much lower hit rate than meeting someone in real life, like 1/100 might turn into an actual date and even fewer than those will materialize into a relationship. That said, you have way more shots on goal due to the sheer number of people on the apps so if you’re not someone who goes out a lot they may be your only option.

  11. I find that most dating apps are hookup oriented, or at least thats what people make them. But for people like me who just work and sleep its hard not to use them.

  12. As a 22 y/o male I met my now girlfriend on Bumble and we’ve been together for 7 months now, we’re thinking of moving in together anytime so there for sure are good experiences to be had there. Sure you might need to filter out the majority you’re not interested in or it doesn’t work out. But that’s also there when you meet someone irl. I would say give it a go. What do you have to lose?

  13. I’m 29m come from a money background and I just started using dating apps no joy yet

  14. i’ve never had a great dating experience come out of a dating app, but oddly enough. i have made friends. dating apps are good for me because i work from home and don’t go to school and have no other options to naturally meet guys. i think if you go into it not expecting to find the love of your life, you’ll have fun!

  15. Honestly, if you aren’t the top handsome or head honcho of guys (which is not many) it is hard to get. Women only swipe right five percent (twenty if a woman isnt getting the matches, but that is too high generallyspeaking) of the time versus guys swipe right anywhere from fifty to sixty percent of the time. (Studies are done on this so these aren’t numbers out of thin air)

    Dating apps aren’t the best for guys.

    The best thing to do is to use it as an extra tool to use, but not rely on and either go to forums (online or in person) or do it at work if their are different departments so that you can keep your distance at work.

    FYI-Only speaking generally speaking.

  16. One of my best relationships were from POF. Still haven’t found a chemistry with someone like I had with her and it’s been years since we split.

  17. I personally am trying to step away from dating apps and meet people in person.

    However that doesn’t mean dating apps are all bad, you just need to know how they work. Think of them as another way to meet people, with it’s own pros and cons.

    I HIGHLY suggest Hinge over any of the others.

    And they do work, I’m actually going on a 4th date tonight with a girl I met on Hinge.

  18. I have had my fair share of first dates from online dating over the years. I just got out of a year and half relationship and we met on Bumble. It didn’t work because of the distance and he was a single dad. Never had time for me.
    That being said,
    I think you should never write something off until you try it. I’m not giving up just yet and you shouldn’t either.

  19. 27 f met m’y partner on hinge, she’s an angel. It can work, you just have to sift through a lot of crap

  20. 23m have been trying bumble for months now and only managed to chat with 2 girls that seemed alright. All I can tell you is that you shouldn’t have high hopes about it, just treat it as a mundane task and you might surprise yourself with a cool guy/girl. I hope you do 🙂

  21. Honestly no, most dating apps nowadays are just spam or money pits. You’re more likely to find someone on social media like telegram or reddit than anywhere else

  22. Dating apps is for those who have a “preference” and don’t want to bother going out first before talking to someone.

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