For instance, is compromise your first or last card?

  1. He’s me with a penis. We agree on everything. Except what to have for dinner. Neither of us ever know.

  2. if things get really heated, i tell them that i’ll see them in the Delaware Court of Chancery.

    this usually resolves the issue immediately given my excellent track record in that particular court

  3. We don’t really have disputes, but I guess if we did we would just talk about what she wants, and then what I want and try and figure it out

  4. Most things aren’t worth arguing about. My goto is “We’ll compromise and do it your way.” However, if that happens too often, I’ll just go away.

  5. I tuck my penis and testicles between my legs and say “is this what you want? Huh? Want to emasculate me?! Treat me like your little bitch?!”

    Then we go and get donuts

  6. 1. Talk to her to understand her side, don’t contradict, don’t argue, don’t offer alternatives. Just listen, try and read back to her what she has communicated to you. Make sure you understand it.

    2. Tell her you’d like her to do the same thing with you tomorrow.

    3. On day 3, see if there’s a principle you can both get onboard with and go from there.

    “We do want to go on holiday together, and we shouldn’t spend beyond our means”.

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