Me(27 M) dating (25 F) recently just started this relationship a couple weeks into it and as well this my first real relationship so I very well could be over thinking things.

Things im concerned about-feel like I pay for everything and she doesn’t even offer ( she has paid one time for when we got food) I don’t mind paying for things but she doesn’t even offer.

Lately she has been asking me to come over but will say she is sleepy a couple hours after I get over there and will take a nap.( asks me to wake her up in 30 minutes) I do and she gives me Attitude or doesn’t wake up, told her I was gonna gonna home and she says. “No don’t leave” but never wakes up. So I just sit there alone. She was suppose to come over last night but didn’t because she said she was gonna sleep for a few hours after work (around 5pm) and she slept the whole night..

There are other things as well. I could be over thinking but it feels like I’m putting in more effort and trying harder but I could very much be overthinking it..

  1. Ok, if it was just the money thing, I’d say have a conversation with her that it would be nice if she’d at least OFFER to pay once in a while. The napping while you’re there thing sounds pretty rude though. Maybe the next time she says she going to nap, tell her “ok, I’m going to head out then.” Don’t say it in a snarky way, just casually like if she’s going to sleep then it’s time to go home. See what happens. She could be legitimately tired and need to sleep, but expecting you to just wait around while she sleeps is kinda shitty.

  2. >-feel like I pay for everything and she doesn’t even offer ( she has paid one time for when we got food) I don’t mind paying for things but she doesn’t even offer.

    Traditionally, the guy pays. It’s nice when the girl does, but be prepared to pay for the lion’s share of dating expenses.


    >Lately she has been asking me to come over but will say she is sleepy a couple hours after I get over there and will take a nap.( asks me to wake her up in 30 minutes) I do and she gives me Attitude or doesn’t wake up, told her I was gonna gonna home and she says. “No don’t leave” but never wakes up.

    Never had this happen. Seems kinda rude, though.

  3. Yeah, if she doesn’t want you to nap with her I have no idea why you’re there and does seem rude. The money thing is just a given. As a guy you’re gonna have to stump it up unless you have a really progressive woman though it’s always something you can talk about

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