Basically I went to the bar with my coworker, we will call her H. Me and H have worked together for about a year now and have hung out a couple of times. We get along really well and I have always thought that she likes me. She even goes out of her way to tell me how I am her favorite person on earth and all this stuff.

Anyways, we get to the bar and just are hanging out and getting drunk. Eventually we move onto another bar and I am pretty hammered at this point, she has really only been drinking beer. Another co worker is with us who I have a bit of past history with but nothing serious. At some point me and H get alone at the bar and I just flat out tell her I like her, then I turn to her and say “and I know you like me”. She then calls me cocky but also agrees that she likes me, even going onto say that we could hook up.

No joke 2 seconds later someone comes running inside and basically tells me that my car was hit. I run out to figure it out as it’s a rather nice and new car. I call the cops and my 2 co workers leave. 30 mins later (3AM) H and my other co worker call me and wanna come meet back up.

We were really struggling to meet back up and the one girl says she just really wants to go home and go to bed, but H says I really need this (I hear her in the background). We finally meet and me and H make out (not the first time but it was forever ago). After making out for like 10 seconds the other co worker comes back and stops us. Me and H haven’t talked about it since.

I wanna know if I should pull her aside at work tomorrow and try to talk about the situation.

Also, there is another man involved.

(TLDR, drunk co workers confessed feelings and I wanna know if I should bring it up again)

  1. Just ask her out. You don’t have to talk about the situation. You’re both adults who got drunk and mushed faces. Sometimes it’s just drunken workplace shenanigans and sometimes it’s deeper. If she says yes to the date, it wasn’t just liquor and hormones. If she says no, it was just a casual encounter and you can move on.

  2. Don’t date a coworker unless you don’t give a flying fuck about your job and have another lined up

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