What are some principles from Scifi franchises that would benefit real life?

  1. Some principles that would benefit real life from scifi franchises include: -The importance of preparedness and planning for the future -The value of teamwork and cooperation -The need for effective communication -The power of positive thinking

  2. Some principles from Scifi franchises that would benefit real life are: -The importance of working together to solve problems -The dangers of technology being used for evil instead of good -How to deal with difficult decisions and situations

  3. Two different responses from different accounts with the exact same formatting.


    So my response is: robot doppelgängers are everywhere.

  4. One thing I think sci-fi does well that we don’t seem to understand in our regular life is that inventors have no control over how their inventions get used and that they have lives of their own once they’re created.

    Idk how many times I’ve been in an emerging science or tech presentation and the response to “what if” questions are “well we are good people and hope people don’t use it that way”. My guy, they will absolutely be used that way.

  5. Pretty much everything in Star Trek.

    They’ve managed to squash racism, (at least, among humans) they value the pursuit of knowledge over the pursuit of wealth and the holo-deck in Next Gen would be an awesome thing to have.

  6. Our culture is controlled by the Ferengis and something a little more Klingon would balance the force. I’m well aware that both extremes are bad, my entire point is we’re at one of the extremes.

    Something I always noticed about “The Culture” series of books is “The Culture” delt with what, from individuals perspective, would be ‘space terrorism’ by more or less ignoring it and carry on. Well, yeah the military and government reacted but it wasn’t used for propaganda like 9/11 was, or covid, or really any tragedy from the last several decades was used. I think the last tragedy / terrorism type sadness that wasn’t immediately weaponized into propaganda would have been the Challenger shuttle explosion. Everything since then seems to only obtain a machine like reaction of trying to turn death and destruction into votes.

  7. I haven’t watched star trek in a long time but I remember that they have advanced replicators that can essentially make whatever you want out of basically nothing (not literally but in all intents and purposes). It would end world hunger and the concept of money. Although idk if I’d be idealistic enough to think humanity would end up like the federation or we’d all just get bored and ruin it for everyone with war and politics.

  8. I think the dynamic between Spock and Kirk is a really interesting one, though one that’s been done a lot through literature. It’s the cold calculating and logical Vs the emotional and impulsive. And how both aspects simultaneously conflict with and compliment each other. Humanity in general and as individuals needs both aspects to thrive, but they often push you in opposite directions, and part of developing and growing as a person is allowing them to come to terms with each other. I know that most people aren’t fans of the new movies, but I felt the first of them portrayed this dynamic really well.

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