What’s the distance you travel everyday for work/college?

  1. It takes me 7 minutes to get to work. It’s a blessing and a curse. Living far from work puts work far from the mind. But I do get to go home for lunch every day. And nooners with the wife are quite regular, which is nice.

  2. My office is approximately 20ft from my kitchen where I eat breakfast.

    2nd job is 5 miles away and I go there physically every 2-3 weeks.

  3. Depends. I do high travel work, so I can be on the road 8 hrs a day to get to a site, multiple days in a row, then be driving anywhere from 5 – 30 minutes depending on hotel proximity.

  4. I travel from my bed on one side of my apartment to my desk on the other

    Traffic was rough this morning /s

  5. I have about an hour commute

    But I take BART (train) so i don’t deal with traffic and am chilling for most of it

  6. 9km each way 25 minutes each way….
    Moving away from city soon 40km away from work. Still 25 minute drive…

  7. 60 mile round trip.

    It annoys me greatly that I can’t fight crime on the high seas from my house inland.

  8. My commute is 12 minutes by car (or about a 45 minute walk). I love it so much. Top of the list last time I changed jobs was “Short Commute.”

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