how common are wet dreams? Am I the weird one?

  1. Many dreams are spurred on by external/internal factors throughout the day, so if this is a new thing maybe ask why it’s happening now. But wet dreams are pretty common.

  2. As a guy who never had one, if I don’t whack for a while, is there a chance I could have one?


    A guy that wants to see what it’s like to blow loads while sleeping

  3. I’m getting old so I only have damp dreams. Does that still count. Don’t ask me what the dream was about. I forgot…🥲

  4. Had them a few weeks in after I stopped masturbating completely. I don’t have them now and I don’t recall ever having them during my teenage years since I jerked off multiple time just about every day.

  5. I use to get them when I would get really drunk. I would wake up and my whole bed was soaked. I’m a total squirter

  6. I’ve had 2 in the last year, im 21. It’s normal, especially in a ‘dry spell’. Girlfriend is holding out on me, we go 6+ months without sex. Depressing.

  7. It’s been 33 days since I quit porn, I have had one wet dream. It’s been that theorized that it happens when you stop jacking off for a while and your body doesn’t know what to do with all the extra sperm, so it releases it in your sleep.

    If you’re stopping porn use yourself, I recommend continuing despite the wet dreams, you may even have a couple of them. Take really cold showers before bed, it cures my wet dreams for some reason.

  8. There are three ways to get rid of the sperm you produce daily. Sex, masturbation & wet dreams. Even at 47, 10 days is my max tolerance limit.

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