This girl and I had gotten very close to each other and developed a great friendship. Recently, she seemed to be distancing herself from me so I asked her about it. She got very defensive and eventually just ignored my messages. I am going to be going home soon which is where she also lives. I texted her the other day just saying I was sorry and I wanted to save the friendship and work through things together. She immediately responded and said she was sorry as well and wanted to work through things. However, she wants to wait until I get home so we can talk in person. Although I agree that this is probably the best way to go about things and having an in person conversation will be more impactful, I am still struggling to be happy with the outcome. Even though we went from no contact for almost a month to deciding to meet up and talk about things in a few weeks, I still feel upset that we are still not talking right now. I think more than anything, I am just afraid that she might not truly want to save the friendship, and she might just be waiting to let me down. Although I feel like this is so unlikely, my mind always goes to the worst places. If anyone has some suggestions on how to get through these next few weeks before we talk, I would greatly appreciate it.

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