Are spouses supposed to be considered your best friend? Or can someone else? Someone they meet after you?

  1. For me, yes. Should everyone? Depends on the relationships you have in life. It may also depend on how you define “best” friend. My best friend is the one person I can always count on through thick and thin. They’re my ride or die. And for me, that’s my wife.

  2. Sure, of course. We live together and see each other all the time so we might as well be bff’s, hah. I don’t really have many other close friends though, so I can’t tell you whether or not this is a “supposed to” sort of thing.

  3. My husband is my best friend. We say it almost daily. It was important for me because my ex husband only married me to have kids and take care of him.

  4. I think spouse is different from best friend. He’s the person I can tell everything to unfiltered, but I also have a girl best friend I like to go shopping with.

  5. Yes, he was before I caught him cheating.

    My best friend are my Dad, my big sis and one of my close friend.

  6. I dont know about “supposed to be”, but my husband used to be my best friend. I was definitely at my happiest then.

    Eventually we stopped being friends. It was definitely a negative turning point in our relationship.

  7. married 21 years……………hell no! lol

    I love him, dont get me wrong, but no he isnt my best friend.

  8. My husband is absolutely my best friend. He’s the one person I can always be myself with and can always count on. I’d be a mess without him. Don’t get me wrong I have girl “best friends”, but none of them compare to the level of best friend-ness I have with my husband.

  9. Yea I consider him a best friend. But to me, I have several people I consider besties. It’s a friendship tier, not a single position.

    He’s my bestie in his own way, my closest girlfriend is my bestie for girly stuff and in her unique way, other good friends are all crucial parts of my life. Love them all!

  10. Yes, he is the person who knows everything.

    I’d say my best girlfriend knows my in depth feeling about everything and we have a lot of things we can relate to about being women/mothers as well.

    I think your best friends can understand you, and even understand you differently than you were intending to be perceived. And they love you anyways.

  11. Ohhhh my do I wanna kill him sometimes but he’s my absolute best friend. HS sweethearts and we took it very slow. We got married after 12 years of dating.

  12. Mine started as my best friend and morphed into a love interest, eventually spouse. I think it’s what makes our marriage work to be honest is that we’re each other’s best friends

  13. Absolutely not lol. My best friends are the gal’s I can openly bitch to about my husband lol. We’ve been brst friends for almost 20 years, long before i met my husband and weve grown up together. I love my husband. We (mostly) get along great and have fun together. But he has his guy besties and I’ve got my gal’s. I wouldn’t have it any other way tbh.

  14. Luckily yes! We both work from home and have a small house so we are together about 24 hours a day. If we weren’t the best of friends it would never work.

  15. Most definitely! Like my most favorite person in the world. I can’t imagine being in a marriage (which is the most intimate kind of relationship that exists) with someone that wasn’t that for me.

  16. Absolutely! Best friend, soulmate, spouse… My best friend who I’ve known since birth is still my best friend but she even acknowledged that I’ve found my person and she was OK with that! We’re still super close and we’ll always be there for each other, but my husband is my no. 1 now and I wouldn’t have it any other way 🥰

  17. My wife is my best friend, easily. I know some couples for whom that’s not true. I don’t know how that works.

  18. My bestest friend in the whole world! Still doesn’t mean I don’t want to hang out with other people sometimes and not have him included.

  19. Yes! The person who understands me better than anyone else. The person who I can be completely myself with. And the person I hang out with the most. And also the most annoying person I know. He gets on my last nerve but I love him.

  20. I have two best friends, my husband and my female bestie (I’m female too).

    I always want to call them first and I feel safe telling both of them everything

  21. Yes, he is the ultimate couch chilling buddy.

    Edit to say: I think you can have more than one “best friend”

  22. Mine is.. but it took almost 14 years of marriage to take that spot from the boys. Not sure if it’s the same for the ladies, but looking back, im not sure how she tolerated that. She has earned every bit of that shit. What it takes is time. If you’re expecting that out of the gate, those expectations will ruin everything.

  23. Yes. My wife is weird as hell and I think I’m the only one who is also weird enough to handle it

  24. Mine isn’t. We have an amazing relationship, but best friends? No. A best friend is someone you go to about all the things all the time. If I am struggling to process my own perspective it is nice to go to a friend and make sure it isn’t a “me” issue, or something like that that I need to work on. If it turns out to be more than that I then have the tools to go talk to my spouse in a more productive manner.

  25. My husband is absolutely my best friend, but I also have a great friend. I don’t say best because that title is taken. I

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