I was in relationship with a guy whom I met in the last year of my high school. After talking for 6 months, we started dating. Everything was good and perfect, we understood each other well. But before going to college, he broke up with me without any reason. I couldn’t take this well because it wasy first relationship. When he told he wanted to break up with me, I kept on denying it a d wanted him to give it a try. His girl best friend texted me anonymously on insta and said many mean things to me. I was heartbroken. (My ex knew that this girl liked him, and told me that even he was unaware of this (insta msg) . But he understood that this girl was his best friend . He stopped talking to both of us. But since they had mutual group they became friends again. But he didn’t like that girl, but was still friends with her. )

Then after some days he came back to me, saying that he was wrong and did it because he was worried if he could handle long distance or not. Then again everything was fine. But after some months he started to ignore my calls and text and hardly used to reply. We broke up again on December 2018.

He texted me again on September 2019 . Saying that he was sorry for he did that time. Though I didn’t forgive him. He told me that I was his “happy place” , and he regrets a lot for ruining our relationship. He told me that he broke with me the last time because his academics were fucked up and he had other issues.

I didn’t forgive him though cause I went through a lot because of him. His other friends were in my college. And I knew I was the topic of joke in front of them.
I asked my ex a simple question that does he still feel the same for me, to which he said that he doesn’t know. And for now he just wants to talk to me.

But I said that I didn’t want to be friends and stopped talking to him. And since then till now we never contacted each other.

But still it’s just so hard for me to move on from him. I just miss him so much. It feels like no one understood me that well. Though our relationship was messed up, but all the happy moments we had, I just miss those things.

I really want to move on….

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