How long did it take you to fall out of love after getting dumped?

  1. This question is difficult to answer because it depends on so many things… my first break up in an official relationship took way longer to get over than my last breakup in an official relationship, even though those relationships were the same length (1 yr). But also, the last guy I dated before my current bf never turned into anything official, and that took longer to get over than my last official breakup too.

  2. I still carry a lot of love for a lot of people I have been with or loved in some capacity but sometimes it just changes into a different form of love. Like an immutable fact. Love the name by the way. Lol don’t see many Dani’s around. xD

  3. In some relationships, over a year… others a few months at most. It has depended on each relationship, and how deep the connection was.

  4. 2 days! Makes me sound like a monster but I cry endlessly for two days and then I’m done and close the door and never look back. After my 8 year relationship ended I grieved for 2 days and I was done.

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