What’s a time you helped someone, what happened?

  1. Two guys were beating up a dude in an alley, so I stepped in to help. He didn’t stand a chance against the three of us.

  2. There was a car pulled over on the road during a bad snow storm. I pulled up behind them to see what was up. Turns out they were kicking a hitchhiker out of their car, who promptly jumped in with me. Weird fella that reeked of booze but I wasn’t gonna leave him in the cold so I dropped him off at the next town.

  3. I was in Albany for a concert and got into a big fight with my girlfriend when we got home, so I went for a lap

    Homeless guy asked me for money and I was hungry so I said I’d buy him some food. We went to a chicken shop down the street and I bought us a big bucket. He asked if we could go back to his camp to eat it and I thought why not. Hung out with the dude for about an hour, just talking shit about his life, etc. He left his family in Georgia because he couldn’t hold a job due to his mental health. Sad story. After we ate, I went back home and made up with my girlfriend, as the power of compassion fueled through my veins. Lovely evening tbh

  4. Long time ago. I was 18. Standing on a pedestrian crossing at a red light. A girl around my age standing next to me was in a hurry and started running the red light. I saw a bus coming from the left and grabbed her by her jacket. The bus was fast and would have hit her. Passed her by only a few inches.

    I saved her… she just turned around and scream at me ” let me go you weirdo” and passed the red light anyway. The bus was gone by that time.

    The other pedestrians was just looking with a wtf in their faces at her. One men around 30 gave me a thumbs up. Someone else said “well done and don’t care about this stupid reaction”.

  5. Long time ago . . . .

    I had received 2 tickets to a 1 day festival to see RHCP and Faith No More, soundgarden and a ton of other great bands. I got the ticket by surprise 2 hours before the gig kicked off. I couldn’t find anybody else to go with me on such short notice, so I went down to the venue to see if I could sell it.

    The place was thronged but nobody was interested in buying. I got into a queue for a public phone box ( yes it was that long ago) to call more friends and I overheard the people in the queue behind me – they had been robbed and were calling home for any kind of help they could get. Turned out 2 of them had their wallets stolen – a small amount of cash, but most importantly their tickets.

    I gave them the tickets I had, wished them well and hope they enjoyed the gig.

    They were pretty young and were overjoyed – a “Faith in humanity restored” moment.

    Yes, I’m getting a lot of mileage out of this one after all these years.

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