I was talking to my manager about his hobby that he normally do it alone or with his family. He cyclist after his daughter goes to bed so usually alone so his life evolves around his family .

I am curious who has the same issue?

  1. Yes, but I would say 90% of it is related to family in some way. Most of my guy friends now are parents of my kids’ friends.

  2. Not married, but I play in an adult rec hockey league, and the majority of the guys in that league are married and see hockey as a chance to get out of the house and socialize.

  3. I have a life outside of my marriage, I go see my friends and we kick back and laugh, I play football on Sunday mornings, and we also go to the gun range.. my wife comes to some games but that’s about it, other than that, she’s doing her own thing when I’m doing mine

  4. Kids are the biggest time sink. They start getting bigger and either doing their own thing or being involved plus you have to deal with all their school, sports, and friend groups. You have to decide what is important. If all you want to do is some hobby then structure your life that way.

  5. Barely. I make music with a couple long term buddies of mine couple times a month. But I also realized upon getting married that I’ve never really been all that social anyways, other than attending gatherings and events as a potential catalyst to meeting a lady I could start something with.

  6. The key question is life outside of kids. Plenty of guys have a life while being married. Once you have kids, it’s really tough. They just take so much time.

    And in some ways, it’s easier when they’re small. I eventually quit my adult rec sports because I was already at ballfields with the kids form 0700-1800 and didn’t really even want to play sports in the evening.

  7. Honestly, I have way more of a social life after getting married. If it weren’t for my wife, I’d be at home on the computer all day.

    People saying kids hurt your social life… when they are very little this is true. There’s plenty of social interaction with other parents at kids birthdays, dance recitals, little league games, etc. I have more friends now than I did before becoming a dad.

  8. I’m married and have a social life outside of my marriage. I play sports, go to trivia night at the bar, watch sports with the guys… That stuff will probably change a bit when I have kids.

  9. eh not really, I dont’ blame the marriage itself though.

    I blame kids and covid. For my friend group (social group?), many of us had kids during or closely before covid, that combination really, clearly, put a dent into how often we hang out now.

    I’m mostly okay with it though. When our kids get older, we’ll probably start to hang out more.

  10. God, I can’t imagine limiting my social circle to one person.

    I mean…you’d go mad.

    I have my friends from university and my flight training days, my old partner from my police days, my D&D group and my friends from work (actual friends, not just workmates).

  11. Similar for me. I have friends but I don’t see them very often. We keep in touch online. Frankly by the time I’ve worked, been to the gym, cooked, cleaned, and put kids to bed, I’m usually wrecked and looking forward to sleep, not seeking social activity

  12. 35 yo, married 8 years, love my family, but I’d go nuts if I didn’t have a strong social circle outside of them lol

  13. Kids are grown & on their own so I have a lot more time. I’m a recreational shooter & I have a regular poker group. Plus I have a shop (basically an oversized detached garage) & work on old motorcycles & riding lawn mowers as well as making whirly gigs (lawn art) several friends & co-workers will drop by to have a beer, B.S. & help with projects. My shop is kind of like a meeting place for family & friends.

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