what do you do when people say you look angry / pissed off all the time and ask you to smile more, especially in a “social setting” ?

  1. “Nah”, with an emotionless face just to fuck with them. I’m laughing my ass off on the inside.

    If you aren’t my employer giving me a performance review, don’t fucking tell me what to do with my face. Why are you paying so much attention to me in the first place. Go hang with the smiley folks.

  2. I give them like a quick sarcastic fake smile and if I can I walk away. I’m accepting as I get older of my grumpy face.

  3. I normally respond saying, “this is my face”. Or if I want to lighten the mood, I’ll jokingly give a creepy smile. There have been times that I just rolled my eyes and walked away. It’s rude for people to ask you to smile more, it’s not there face. I have also sighed really loud and get dramatic and said “omg not this again!”

  4. Every time I am forced into a group photo I get told to smile, “I am smiling” then I see the picture… am I doing it wrong?

  5. I just tell them “this is the way my face hangs”
    Not going to start fake smiling to appease other fakers

  6. Usually I tell them to fuck off. Occasionally I will say”why?” And then tell them to fuck off

  7. I’ve responded with a big chipper smile and said, “OMG, thank you! I totally forgot it was it’s-appropriate-to-comment-on-a-woman’s-appearance Day! Thanks for reminding me!” and then wait for them to let it sink in. Then I usually go back to straight face and ask them to please mind their own business.

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