I went on a date with a guy and a week after I sent him a funny video. He invited me out on a second date, but when I agreed and asked where he wanted to go he didn’t tell me for two days and replied in the middle of the night the day of the planned date. I didn’t like that he ghosted me for two days so I texted him that I just saw his message after the time of his availability. I regret it now and think I should’ve went. We are in the same uni. A month passed. I liked him and keep thinking occasionally abt him. Both of us are in same uni, do you think it’s too late to start again? Did I make the right or wrong decision?

  1. I think you made the proper choice. He’s likely wanting you to chase so he can have his options open knowing he can look elsewhere and have you in reserve. Regardless of you liking him at this point he is past the time of declaring his intentions or hopes for you. Let him go, don’t contact him and move on. May not be the answer you want, but likely what you need. You might hear from him again if his other plans fall through.

    You never want to be treated as an option. Know your worth.

  2. He’s open to sleeping with you (and even that seems to be on the fence), he isn’t interested in more than that. You are prioritising your feelings over the fact that his actions are clearly spelling out his intentions.

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