I’ve been with my husband for 13 years, married for 5. We’d hang out every few days for while we were dating then I’d go home and recharge. Now that we’ve been living together for a while, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by his constant anxiety, criticism and worrying. Most days when I wake up, I tend to need 20-30 minutes of time alone where I can unwind before I’m ready to go downstairs and face him. I ended up turning our spare room into my bedroom due to him touching my private areas and trying to get frisky almost every morning. I’m not sure about you, but I need some time to get freshened up before I feel up to getting intimate. He’d either force intimacy upon me or if I refused then I’d get an attitude from him for the rest of the day. I make a lot more money than him so I pay for almost all of the bills while his meagre wage is saved for holidays and other events.

I honestly feel uncomfortable in my own home. On weekends I try to book activities to get us out of the house to do something fun but he always says he gets anxious about it. If the kids are ever upset, it’s always my fault for some reason. Everything that goes wrong is blamed on me and he always says it’s causing more anxiety for him. Does anyone have any suggestions or some tips to help me out?

  1. Yes my 1st husband would give me anxiety so bad I ended up in the ER with panic attacks and he complained to the doctors about my low libido. I thought I needed meds. Turned out I needed a divorce, not meds. Been living large and happily ever since.

  2. I’d be pretty anxious living with a rapist too. I mean that’s what forcing someone is. No wonder you having a hard time.

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