I miss my ex, and even though he’s a person who did some pretty messed up things to me I still miss him. Maybe it’s the season, but we were supposed to be married and have babies and the thought of that with anyone else makes my stomach turn. I miss him, I miss having a best friend, I miss riding around for hours and holding hands, I miss planning out our life, I miss being happy, even if it wasn’t always.

He still won’t quit lying so I feel like I can’t even give him an opportunity and he will absolutely make me feel like shit for breaking up with him. So I just want to be sad I guess.

I’ve been feeling pretty depressed the last couple of days and I can help but to think of the life we were going to have, and wonder if I’ll ever feel like that again. And wondering if I passed up the best thing I could get, or if he would be better and we could make it work.

He probably won’t.

  1. Time will heal you, but you have to break up before the clock starts running. Don’t stay stuck, don’t try to turn the clock back

  2. Short-term pain for long-term gain.

    You may be sad now, but you would be a whole lot sadder if you had thrown your life away to be with someone who will just hurt you later on.

    No one said that break-ups can’t hurt for the person who breaks things off. You’re allowed to grieve, cry, and remember the good times.

    Time will heal things. Look around you – everyone on the street has probably been involved in a tough break-up at some point, and they are doing just fine. In the long run, you will be happy again, and find yourself in a better relationship.

  3. Everyone feels like this from time to time. Remember the reasons why y’all break up in the first place. You miss the emotions that are tied to him, not exactly him.

    There’s always people out there who can give you those exact same feelings. I’d suggest looking at some new people and see if you can find anything interesting about them an move from there

  4. Ik everyone says time will heal, but it’s true. I almost killed myself after my last breakup, but after 4+ months I really don’t care anymore. I really hope the same thing happens for you because ik exactly the way you’re feeling and it sucks. You just got to wait it through, it gets better I promise.

  5. You don’t miss him. Stop saying nonsense like that or you’ll never get past it. Did you know your brain believes what you tell it? So do this instead: make a list and write down all the bad stuff he did and said – ever. It will take you a few days as you’ll keep adding to it, but as you do – read it again and again. Remind yourself of all the bullshit you’ll really be “missing” and make a second list of all the awesome stuff you’ll finally be able to DO without all that dead weight. You know you already have some stuff you wanna throw on there right now. Know how I know? Cause I make my lists and they saved me from going back. 😘

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