Idk if this is a useless worry, but I’ve recently started weight loss and really changing my life in a great direction, but because I’ve voluntarily restricted so much junk and unhealthy foods (and feel GREAT as a result) I literally cannot eat nor digest most restaurant meals. Plus with my recently discovered dairy allergy I’ve already been prohibited from most desserts. Everyone around me (including social media) seems to always tell me that guys don’t like girls who can’t eat whatever they want; and I know that most dates are often spent consuming some type of junk, even at the movies or at home. I can already imagine myself being that fussy annoying girl that rejects everything because it’s either too oily or fried, and I’d understand why they’d see me as annoying for it. This is something I really want to be permanent in my life, but is staying on track with my healthy diet really that much to ask when looking to get into a relationship?

  1. NGL, a restrictive diet WILL restrict your dating opportunities. Restrict, not eliminate. Turn your attention toward guys who would appreciate/share your new lifestyle: vegetarians, runners, endurance athletes of all kinds, spiritual men. And, learn to cook tasty meals.

    There ARE guys who share and would appreciate your new lifestyle. Tom Brady’s just one celebrity example.

    How to find those guys? Here’s one idea: find and join a local food co-op. There you’ll find guys into healthy eating. Here’s another: hiking clubs. Good luck!

  2. There are guys that eat like that too. I probably couldn’t date you, but not everyone will care

  3. This is so not an issue. I’m a picky eater because I’m a health/fitness nut and I’ve never had a guy be put off by it. They always want to learn how to cook things I’ll eat or we go to places with food I can eat. It’s not a big deal.

  4. I would be turned off if my date was unhealthy. I think healthy eating is pretty mainstream these days so I wouldn’t worry if i were you.

  5. You are not doing anything wrong. There are other people that eat this way. All you have to do is find them. In the meantime continue to take good care of your health : ]

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