How many times a week should your fiancé see you if you’re not living together and still at your parents house? I see him around 3 times a week and don’t feel like it’s enough. He wants time for himself though.

  1. There is no set number. Everyone is different. I know you want life to be easy and follow set rules and guidelines that you can follow, but the truth is this: People are messy. What works for one relationship won’t work for another.

  2. does your fiancé have a job? do they have hobbies that they’re unable to do with you? if so then i’d say 2-3 days is ok. of course it’s your relationship but you also have to remember that you need to learn that it’s ok to not be with your partner 24/7. it took me a while to understand as well buttt i started doing stuff for me and my time alone/with friends became so much better. both of you need space to do your own thing. i would see it as bogus tho if your fiancé with constantly out with friends and doesn’t make an effort to see you.

  3. 3 times a week sounds like a pretty good number and of course he wants time to himself. He’s you’re in a relationship, but he is still an individual.

    How often do you feel would be enough for you? Is the issue really about how often, or is it more about the quality of the time you spend together?

    Do you understand the importance of you each having time to yourself or to spend be able time with other people without your partner there?

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