I’m 27(M). People always say that i look good and attractive. Until now, girls have always approached me, but those girls are also not very beautiful because hot girls have high ego. I’ve realized that I always choose being safe and end up with girls that i don’t like too much. Most of the time i find hot girls out of my league and I always date with unattractive girls because of the fear of rejection . This is most likely due to low self-confidence. I want to be with the girls I prefer rather than the girls who prefer me. I’ve been with many girls so far, but none of them have satisfied me or that I can call very beautiful. I’d love to hear if you have any advice for me.

  1. Most “hot” girls probably don’t like you because you’re acting like a total douche.

  2. My advice is to leave those poor girls alone, using the for your ego is cruel. You should probably take a step back from dating and work on yourself. Get okay with being alone first rather tha using people.

  3. We’re all attracted to what we like, but I don’t see the point in wasting people’s time if you don’t even find them attractive.

  4. 1. You need to understand why your self-esteem is low, and what you can do to improve it.


    2. You need to start approaching girls that you are attracted to. Yes, you are scared of doing this, but are you gonna live in fear your whole life? End up at the end of your life with a long list of regrets?

  5. You’re a little old to be focused solely on looks.

    Is there anyone that you date because you like them as a person?

  6. The real advice for you would be to really step back and reflect on yourself.
    This is a problem that goes beyond your supposedly low self-esteem.

    You do not really like the girls you date. What you are doing is just toying with them, because you probably fear being alone or something like that.
    You know you will never love them. You know you will never feel satisfied being in a relationship with them. So why bother wasting their time with such cruel acts?
    Just cease that.

    Attractive women aren’t different from other human beings. You should stop putting them on a pedestal plainly because of their looks.
    If you want to date them you have to:
    a) see them as something more than their beauty (which is fleeting). See their personality, values and so on. See what makes them a person.
    b) actually get acquainted with them and ask them out. Realise that your chances of anyone accepting aren’t high. People like different things, so they might not like what you have to offer.

    I don’t know wheter any of these will help you, or will you just dismiss it, but I truly wish you luck.

  7. >Can’t forget her

    >I’m 27(M) and my ex gf is (26). I haven’t been in a relationship before my ex. She is by far the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen. We broke up with her 3 years ago. Yes 3 years and i still thinking her, deeply missing her. We had a really bad relationship, a very toxic one. Deep down, i think she has some serious psychological problems. None of my friends loved her while we were dating and at the end she cheated on me with a guy, lied about it numerous times. At the very end i broke up with her. I did the right thing, I’ve never spoken with her after we broke up. I’m not regretful about my decision but i can’t stop thinking about her after 3 f years. What’s wrong with me? I want to forget her and move on but I am not attracted to any other woman like her, not even close. Do you guys have any advice?

    Lol, you sound like a douchebag

  8. You said you dated someone who was the most beautiful girl you’d ever seen. How does that square with never being with a beautiful girl? Or did you post that in hopes she would see it? Three years after the fact …

  9. All the ego and vain comments aside I think you should just go up to a girl you find attractive and let the pain of rejection build your confidence and self esteem. Start there and then you might care about a girls character and personality down the road a bit more. Or not idc.

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