What do you dislike about your gender?

  1. It seems society really hates that male genitalia is on the outside of our bodies. I find my cock and balls get in the way of a lot of comfortable clothes, sitting positions, and work outs. Plus I have to cover up the crotch of my leggings and women don’t. It feels sexist to me.

  2. We’re obsessed with violence. Our first games are pretending to shoot our friends. There’s never a shortage of young men willing to die for old men. We just love violence and we treat it like it’s safer for kids to be subjected to that over sex in entertainment. Kind of twisted when you think about it.

  3. The fashion/clothing options sucks ass for guys.

    If you dress to flamboyant- both men and women assume you’re gay.

    If you dress flashy or too well- people assume you’re a sleazy douche.

    If you dress more edgy- for guys it’s perceived as cringe.


    So most guys just end up limited to: T shirts, plain shorts or pants, sneakers and a hoodie, with maybe a jacket and a watch.

  4. Beauty standards. For women you just have to be skinny. For men you need to be fit, have good facial features, be tall, good head of hair or have a nice shaped head if shaven, have great income, etc.

  5. I love everything about my current gender, that is why I changed to it

    EDIT: lol, yay for being downvoted for being happy with myself

  6. problem is with society’s expectations, gender duties and beauty standards rest all genders are fine

  7. The sometimes unrealistic or unfair expectations from everyone else.

    . Have to be the 🏧
    . Have to be the protector even in situations that put *me* in danger despite giving several warnings to certain people.
    . Have to do the heavy lifting / manual labour *just* because
    . Have to earn more and more
    . Often have to suppress my own emotions to appear strong and capable.

    Otherwise…..Love it

  8. I don’t like how guys have trouble with boundaries. I told this dude, no rape jokes. Then later he’s like “Remember how you told me not to say rape jokes? All I did was.” and then he repeated the rape joke in front of everyone omfg.

  9. * Men who right-swipe/send likes to every woman on dating apps, making it harder for every male user to get matches
    * Men who brag about how much sex they (supposedly) have, and use virginity as a pejorative against other men
    * Men who play their music through their speakers instead of using a headset on public transit
    * Waiting behind men who let someone go ahead of them in line to get on a bus just because they’re women
    * Men who laugh at women for being obsessed with astrology, yet are obsessed with things like fantasy sports
    * The fact that most rapists are male

  10. I hate that being a male child means being taught that having emotions is wrong. Stunts most men from becoming well rounded human beings

  11. Nothing I love my gender it’s the views of society and women have about my gender that bother me.

  12. Having to take the lead for everything. I’ve got fucking adhd. Unless whatever it is is the most exciting thing in the world, taking the lead on it is literally my disability.

    I’d love if someone else could just take the lead on things that don’t absolutely require my involvement. I’ll show up do what’s necessary and be involved, but making those first appointments or first steps or first plans is so fucking taxing, and I’m literally diagnostically bad at it, so I’d love if someone else could just make some decisions and deal with them.

    I don’t have the mental capacity to juggle all those things at once, it’s not that I don’t care about the decisions. Trying to plan and budget all this shit at once overwhelms my brain and shuts it down

  13. Sometimes the social constructs of this world make men seem like toxic animals. Other then that, I’m 4’10. Not that I hate being short but like I said, social constructs. Not everyone is exactly gonna like a guy who is the size of a small child.

  14. You guys have no periods or boobs you have to deal with, there’s nothing to dislike you’re free as a bird.

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