What’s something you are determined to do in life that you haven’t done yet?

  1. Idk if this counts, but move in and life my whole life togheter with my bf! I want a future with him and I’m determined to do whatever so we can be happy togheter 🙂

  2. Travel to many countries and eventually have my own little place in a small town just living my life day by day. Also to meet my nieces and nephews to squish their chubby cheeks

  3. Learning and mastering another foreign language (I’m still working on perfecting my English for now). Creating a small RPG and/or writing a book. Visiting some Scandinavian countries and seeing the Northern lights.

  4. Run.A.Marathon! hike a legit mountain, see the northern lights, visit an actual castle, drink wine in France, eat pasta (and drink wine) in Italy, tea in England (bonus cheddar class/tour), volunteer at an animal rescue in Africa for vacation, have a half pint at The Green Dragon, visit every continent

  5. Get better at drawing and art! I’ve always envied someone with artistic talent and has a way with a canvas, brushes, pencils and other mediums. I’d love to do photography for fun. I took classes in high school but haven’t done it in a while. I did analog and digital photography for a class project.

  6. – Get an education and a meaningful job (wanna work with teens in treatment homes for mental illness)

    – Get a driver’s licence and a car, though I’m terrified of it

    – Experience healthy love, with healthy boundaries, mutual respect and communication. Where I can feel safe, wont shut off during sex and feel comfortable being vulnerable

    – Have a couple of kids. But might foster too, or instead

    – Travel. Mainly wanna discover small towns in countries with English as their official language cause I want to discover the actual culture and not just touristy places, and be able to communicate easily (I’m a Swede but my English is alright… Scotland, Ireland, South Africa, Jamaica, Dominica, England, Australia etc. Maybe the US but tbh it doesn’t interest me that much lol.

  7. *Decorate a bookshop with handmade props
    *Make/be part of a carnival
    *Learn etching/printing
    *Revamp an unloved alleyway/community space
    *See more Islamic ceilings
    *Help reduce waste in the creative industries
    *Learn a dance routine
    *Go to a bluegrass festival
    *Make a health setting more warm, inviting and healing

  8. Nothing really

    I’ve done almost everything in my life that I’ve wanted too.

    I would like to skydive but can never see myself doing that

  9. Get my masters, buy a small simple house, and travel the world with my favorite person.

  10. I have been singing since the childhood but never got time/chance to follow my passion. Past few years I focused on building my career. Now I can say that I have successfully build my career in the other field but i would also like to start music again and dedicate some time for singing, learning new musical instruments, etc..

  11. Learn to do the splits. No particular reason, I just always thought it would be cool, and I guess it’s like an exercise in discipline. It would be nice to accomplish something that takes time and commitment, if just to prove I can.

  12. Start my own business, own an apartment in a nice city, travel to lots of places, own a pet snake, learn Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish and Korean.

  13. Finish my Masters & educate our ‘to be’ child outside of just what they learn at school. 😍

    I love education and watching a little one absorb knowledge would make me happy. My parents have a bundle of books so looks like its going to be set up in their room soon.

  14. I want to travel & see different countries & cultures. I’ve never been out of my country.

  15. Get a book published. I don’t care if it doesn’t sell a single copy, I just want a book cover with my name on it.

  16. Ask my alma mater if I can walk across the stage to make up for not being able to do so because my father passed right before graduation and I needed to go home to plan the funeral arrangements. I have since wanted to do it during my pregnancy but COVID caboshed that. So maybe when my kids are a little older. They can watch mommy get all glammed up and finally walk across the stage and understand part of the graduation ceremony and maybe even want to go to university!

  17. Visit the Grand Canyon, take a few weeks to drive from southern CA to Seattle (stopping at a lot of vineyards and beaches), buy a house on at least 5 acres (preferably 15-20) and start a market garden/CSA/cut flower business, maintain a healthy physical form in which I feel strong, confident, and beautiful.

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