So lots of people are aware of the website where you get a general idea of your kinks. It’s silly and fun and in my experience with it, fairly accurate. My GF(18) sent me a screenshot of her results. We laughed and joked about it at first before I noticed one result in particular. She scored an 84% for non-monogamist. I pointed it out and she said that just because she likes it doesn’t mean she will act on it. My stupid self decided to respond in a very rude manner about how much I was disgusted by it. It is true I actually do feel incredibly uncomfortable by the thought of polygamy so much so it has actually made me gag when I imagined it. Of course because of my anger and anxiety I lashed out and failed to calmy explain that it makes me feel uncomfortable without shaming her. I realized my mistake too late and told her I was sorry for making her feel like a piece of shit. I am very ashamed for how I handled the situation. If she is polygamous I dont want to restrict her identity and be a controlling dick. We would have to go our separate ways as part of who I am is being strictly monogamist and that will never change. No matter how much we respected one another it would be like shoving a square peg into a round hole. I’m not sure where to go from here or how to approach the situation.

  1. You’ve apologised. If you’ve said what you said in the above to her, you’ve said enough. And sure, your sharp tongue lashed out and I can imagine what you said and that it was excessive and wrong. But at the same time, discovering that your partner has inclinations towards flipping polygamy is not a delightful discovery for anyone. That last thing I want is to be with someone who wants to fuck multiple other people, and likes the idea of it, but just isn’t planning on doing it. It’s a pretty core value you’re not aligned on.

  2. You’re not ready for a relationship. Get some therapy to deal with your anger issues.

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