hi, i’m 18m and starting having hair above my cheekline. i have to constantly pluck/trim them to have a defined beard. is this with every man having a developed beard?

  1. Most of us do, yes. Good to find a barber who come from a tradition built by hairy men. Think Turkish, Pakistani, etc. 😀

  2. I don’t, but then I can barely grow a beard. At my age I am just starting to grow some small hairs up in that area. For a lot of guys though, it’s perfectly normal.

  3. I had a boss with a 5 o’clock shadow from 1″ below his eyes down to his Tshirt line… I never saw him without a shirt on, always wondered how far he had to shave haha.

  4. I’ve got hair on and in my ears, a couple on the end of my nose…

    Ever year that passes means more hair growing in places I’d rather it wouldn’t. Meanwhile the hair on the top of my head gets thinner….

  5. Yeah a bit above the cheek line that has to be trimmed back.

    Let’s not forget a few between the eyebrows, earlobes, and one on the god damn tip of my nose.

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