I’m f21,my therapist said I need to face my fears and talk to people.
I asked one of the girls in my class to get a coffee together.
We talked for literally 5 hours and she said you can come to my place to drink coffee together anytime
I’m a foreign student and she said don’t be alone here i wanna introduce you to my friends she did and it was nice from her .
I’m studying computer engineering and our major is really hard and now as our exam started we are both really busy
I texted he and said i really wanted to talk with you today but you went home soon 😢
She replied with: Generally, days are busy for us. So probably we dont find to time for talk :((
Then i told her thank you for introducing me to your friends it was really nice from you that you don’t want me to feel alone in this country
She said you can come to us again and we can drink coffe together again whwn we are not busy.
Then I wished her luck at her exams with heart emoji and she didn’t say anything.
I mean i asked her to go out and then i’m putting so much effort to be friends with them but i have no idea what to do next .
I kinda feel like she doesn’t want to go out again as she didn’t say anything when i wished her luck or when i said about talking in class and she said she is busy.
Or maybe i’m just overthinking can you give me an advice about what should i do ? Should i ask her out again after exams?

1 comment
  1. Everyone tends to overthink things, especially those with social anxiety. That definitely sounds like a hard major so I wouldn’t be surprised if she were genuinely busy. I wouldn’t sweat it. Just because someone responds, it doesn’t mean there’s anything that deep to it. People’s messages are never an accurate representation of how they are in reality. The fact that you talked for 5 hours and she introduced you to her friends is a very good sign. Many people would think that messaging her to ask to do something again seems desperate but in my opinion, effort put into a friendship goes both ways, and it doesn’t have to even be for coffee. Exam periods are always a bit tricky to go out and do things so honestly, I think you’re doing fine

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