I share an appartement with my sis (19). Her creep bf(28) stayed over and they had a fight, that he must of cheated on her because she discovered he was taking antibiotics for a urinary track infection.

But he convinced her it was not an STI (I.e gonorrhoea/chlamydia) only a urinary track infection… how can that be are they not the same thing ?

Edit : my question is that could you not get an UTI from having sex ? So a UTI could still mean he is cheating

  1. UTIs are most often caused by bacteria getting in the urethra. They are most common in women because they have a shorter urethra than men. Googling the type of antibiotic might be of more help but it can 100% be just a UTI.

  2. Why does she think it’s an STI? If all she found was antibiotics, what else would make her think STI?

  3. no, those are very much not the same thing. UTIs are caused when bacteria (most commonly, e. coli) from your skin, genitals, or anus colonize your urinary tract .

    STIs are caused by pathogens such as c. trachomatis, t. pallidum, or n. gonorrhoeae (there are others). STIs can be asymptomatic, or they can share some symptoms (dysuria is one example), but most often signs and symptoms of an STI are going to be very different to a UTI.

    UTIs are often diagnosed by urinalysis, while STIs are diagnosed by a physical examination, blood test, or swabbed culture test. some STIs may also be diagnosed via urinalysis.

    you do take antibiotics to treat a UTI. the type of antibiotic is probably going to differ, though, so that’s one thing she might consider checking.

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