(I’ve known this guy for 2 months) So yesterday this guy that I’m seeing and I were talking and he was saying how all his relationships he got into sth too quickly and now he just wants to like take it slow and enjoy the moment and whatever happens happens. I didn’t like that answer very much but like we didn’t talk about it further
So he texted me saying he reached his city and I was like I miss you already and I hate this. He said he misses me too and that it’s okay
I said “Idk I’m just thinking about how if I feel this now and you’re in another city then how will I feel when you actually leave and go back to work”
he replied “I don’t want u to feel bad at all It’s okayyy just know you’re amazing and i actually like your company but don’t be upset Just find a way to enjoy your last semester”
I said “I guess I’m just scared when we either of us leaves then I’m just never gonna hear from you again And I know you said you don’t want to think of the future but that’s not really possible with me”
His reply was “just hope for the best and don’t get too attached except to yourself”
It makes me feel like he’s just using me for the time he has here and when he goes to his country I’ll be forgotten

1 comment
  1. I will say it kinda does come off that way, especially since he said “don’t get too attached except to yourself.” It’s like he’s hinting that he’s not planning to stick around…

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