only typing this to get this off my chest, me and this guy (24m) had been sleeping on and off for the past year, he was always gentle with me and I felt like we were so compatible in bed, until this one night I decided to go over his place, long story short we were about to have sex when suddenly I felt his fingers going over the other way and I felt a very sharp pain, I screamed and told him not to since I’m not into it at all, he tried to convince me all night to let him penetrate me in that place and before I knew it he was forcing himself on my other hole all the way, no warning no nothing. it was so painful I started crying, he then noticed and pulled himself out, and we had sex like we used to.

Minutes later he came and I was left with the pain in both of my private parts, I honestly didn’t know what came over him that night, I immediately left his place.

Days later both of my private parts were still in pain, I couldn’t pee no because it hurted too much so I went to the doctor, and yep, that very night with him left me with an UTI. Been a week and I still can’t walk, sit or do any easy task because my private parts hurts like hell, and the antibiotics doesn’t really help. I avoid drinking or eating just so I won’t have to endure the pain with peeing and pooping. Ugh

  1. That bastard raped you. If you need someone to talk to, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.

  2. It’s terrible that individuals out there don’t realize you can’t just have spur of the moment anal like that, especially without consent. You should not see this individual again.

  3. You were raped. And I am so very sorry. It’s okay to seek therapy and I would consider seeking justice as well. I’m so sorry.

  4. You were assaulted (raped). Depending on where you are and the laws you should report him.

    He’s a prick.

  5. This hurt to read. I seriously wish I could give you a real life hug.

    How do you even feel about dating going forward? I’m sure you thought you trusted this guy, and he turned out to be a monster.

  6. Were you afraid he would hurt you if you don’t participate in sex?

    Sorry this happened to you. He deserved to be punished. You can report to police.

  7. It was rape. I’m so sorry this happened to you! I’m so glad you went to the doctor, physical healing is the first step. Also please consider to go to the authorities, be brave. This asshole didn’t care about you, that’s what came over him. No other explanation. No longer respects you, because clearly he didn’t wash up before going in vaginally. I hope you do go to the cops, you need that as well as therapy and time to move forward and heal. You may not feel like it now but this is necessary so that you don’t cary any shame and trauma.

  8. Report this guy to the police for rape. And don’t ever see him again. And I would tell him about all the problems you are having and that he’s an asshole.

    Also, not staying hydrated can permanently damage your kidneys. I knew someone who had the flu and didn’t drink enough fluids, and they ended up in the hospital and almost died because their kidneys completely shut down.

  9. I’m sorry it happened to you. I understand your reasoning for not drinking anything, but it is necessary to flush out the bacteria. Please drink enough, OP, and definitely press charges to that POS. As for abdominal pain due to a UTI; I suffer from it chronically and a warm water bottle really helps.

  10. Please don’t avoid drinking or eating, that just makes the uti last longer. I know it hurts like a mf to pee but you just gotta push through it. Fastest way to recover from an uti is to drink a lot, and I mean a lot, of water frequently and going to the bathroom to pee as much as possible. It’s gonna be a painful few days but doing that plus taking vitamin c supplements can make you recover from an uti in just 3 days if you are lucky

  11. Stick to the antibiotics and drink lots of water. Try find cystopurin or equivalent it’s a packet for soothing inflamed bladder by balancing the pH. You’ve got to keep drinking though it will ease up the more dilute the wee is.

    I don’t want to touch on the subject of you being raped, I’m sorry it happened to you. Lots of other people have written comments I wholeheartedly support

  12. The guy is a bastard who should have his balls kicked hard, that is for sure… But..

    You started crying, it was hurting you a lot, he obviously broke the boundaries and you still “had sex like you used to” with him??

    Cmon girls, you can do better.

  13. It is never a good idea to have anything in your bum placed in your vagina without a lot of cleaning in between. Outside of the fact that he raped you.

  14. 1. You were raped
    2. You probably have a UTI because he went back to front without washing. Probably need antibiotics.
    3. Take time to heal. Love yourself. Talk to someone-counselor or friend
    4. Decide what is best for you in terms of reporting
    I’m so sorry

  15. I’m so sorry this happened to you. He tore the skin around your anus. This will heal on its own but it will take time. Be sure to take stool softeners in The mean time.

    In regard to him, that’s rape. If he did it once he will do it again. He has no regard for your physical, emotional and mental health. Beyond that he went straight from forcing rape (sodomy) to vaginal penetration which is a big no no. He had no concern that you were crying and in pain. Instead he decided to finish.

    Seek some help.. stay away from this guy.

  16. This exact scenario occurred with the only guy I dated. I then found out he did the same thing to 2 other women. I regret not pressing charges for rape.

  17. i’m really really sorry you went through this. i went through something very very similar this year and it was one of the scariest times of my life. pls stay safe and reach out to me or a professional if u need anything at all

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