What are the ways you use to deal with overthinking?

  1. Recognise when you’re doing it. Recognise what triggers it. Note the pattern in which your thoughts go when you’re over thinking. When you start to become really aware of it then you can start changing your patterns of thinking.

  2. deleting my social media accounts to cut off unnecessary social interactions. occupying my time with either baking, listening to podcasts, or reading

  3. Call myself on it. I literally say to myself “stop overthinking”. Sometimes I’ll give myself 5 minutes to focus on why I’m overthinking, what triggered it, etc. And then I make myself move on and find something to keep my mind occupied.

  4. do something instead, something you put your mind into thats more hands-on. working out, cooking/baking, painting, etc

  5. I do something to give myself a “brain break” which usually includes some form of physical activity that’s outdoors such as rock climbing or going out hiking in the backcountry or part of the forest where there is no cell service.

  6. Writing my thoughts down always helps. For me, being able to actually *see* and *organise* my thoughts on paper can help me switch my brain from “panic” mode to “resolve” mode. Not all my problems will have an instant solution but it makes a massive difference to my state of my mind. Then I’ll just get out of the house and go for a walk somewhere nice with some relaxing music.

  7. I ask myself “what is the worst case scenario?” only to realize it can’t be that bad!

    I also catch myself playing out hypothetical situations in my head where I keep reminding myself to just stop.

  8. Mindfulness is often joked about as something annoying that people recommend for everything, but as someone with severe anxiety and issues with ruminating, it really does help me a lot. Just actively thinking about what I’m currently doing, seeing, physically feeling etc. Mindful walks especially.

  9. Writing.

    I read this as an option for overthinking and has worked wonders for me. Stops you from going in loops as you overthink things when you see it’s already on the list and have thought about it.

  10. Writing.

    I read this as an option for overthinking and has worked wonders for me. Stops you from going in loops as you overthink things when you see it’s already on the list and have thought about it.

  11. I need a little time out and ask myself if this is really necessary to put any energy into it – most of the time no

  12. Consistent self reflection and my husband. My husband helps point out when I’m over thinking if I don’t see it, and it helps a lot. Mine is caused by anxiety and I’ve been working on my anxiety for the last few years. It’s much better than it used to be.

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