Do you think they are envious of who you are today? Is it a coping mechanism to divert attention away from them selves? I often find its wrapped in “humor” on others behalf. So it gets trickier to confront it. And then as a social norm others in the group engage in laughing. Obviously the one saying these things lack empathy but curious what more goes on

  1. Probably as a way to show that you’ve hurt or disappointed them in the past and they’re not going to be as quick to trust you now

  2. This post really lacks context. In my opinion, the answer really depends on whether the “mistakes” in question are something like:

    A) used to think that Earth is flat

    B) used to consistently be late everywhere or forget BDs or something

    C) used to be an alcoholic, drug addict, have an eating disorder etc

    D) used to be abusive or otherwise hurting others

    E) whatever else, but also should be specified whether the “bully” was in any way affected by OP’s mistakes or just thinks it funny to poke at them. Also, how long ago it was

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