What is the worst part of your day?

  1. Sometimes late at night I’ll grieve the loss of my marriage and feel hopeless and cry myself to sleep.

  2. Going home after a stressful day and still having to deal with my stepfather and mother arguing all the time and putting out the anger on me and my brothers

  3. Brushing my hair. I don’t know how, but I can’t get though a single night without it tangling.

  4. When I feel a headache coming on. I suffered from them daily in high school due to lack of sleep and finally recovered, but kind of have mild trauma from them because now any mild head pain feels like one coming on and I’ll worry my day’s about to be ruined by one.

  5. Coming home from work in the early morning around 3/4ish am. It’s dark and quiet. I want to say we live in a good neighborhood but recently the whole city have gone to the shits! More and more violence on the streets. Asian hate crimes that don’t get reported but we know are going on because our neighbors are getting robbed, mugged, attached on their walks. Crime is on the rise and it seems to be more dangerous to be out.

    A couple of years ago, I have no problems walking to the local market. Now, I’m too scared. There’s so many homeless people and people doped up on drugs that I would rather drive than risk getting spanked by a crazy person.

    Don’t bother calling the cops. They don’t show up. And the city is too WOKE to care.

    I work night shift so I come home early in the morning. Sometimes I see people wandering around yelling and screaming nonsense. So yeah. That’s the worst part of the day for me because I have to get out of my car and open the gate in the dark.

  6. Going to work. I work at a daycare, and I’ve been there for a little over a year. I loved it at first, and I honestly still do. But I think I lost the passion I had for it somewhere along the way. It just exhausts me now.

  7. Going into my job, where I’m verbally abused, talked over, patronised, the brunt of lewd and sexist jokes, even grabbed at, by the customers.

    All because I’m a woman and considered ‘bone-able’ (yay me 😒).

    It’s was my dream job, *was* being the operative word.

  8. Laying in bed at the end of the night wishing I had someone holding me tight rubbing on me as I fall asleep. Thinking about how I’m going to sleep alone and going to wake up alone.

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