or at least it was meant to be sexy.

  1. I would know he’s going out of his comfort zone because he knows I might enjoy that and be extremely appreciative. But very, very shocked

  2. I’d laugh… he’s very gangly and awkward, it would look like Slender Man trying to be sexy 😁

  3. Probably laugh. Seriously if you’re planning to do it and you’re not that good, aim for comedy.

  4. I would really appreciate it and do my best not to laugh. Also, hubby is hot as hell so i’d probably enjoy it even if he’s clumsy

  5. I would not laugh even if I thought it was funny because that hurts, even if you know you look ridiculous. And then I would pull them down with me and smother them in kisses.

  6. It’s just too corny for me too find it sexy. I’d probably just suggest we have a drink instead.

  7. If we had a sexy dance together like slow dance, I’d probably love it but him dancing for me. I’d die inside

  8. Depends on how serious he took it. If it was something he worked at and took seriously and did like a magic Mike impersonation I would appreciate it. But knowing my husband if he was doing a sexy dance it would be him being goofy and that isn’t really how I want him to act to get me in the mood. I don’t like when he makes a joke of sex because it is so important to me in our relationship.

  9. She’s done it numerous times, not even on Valentine’s Day, birthday, anniversary, etc. But because we’ve roleplayed the “seduce the stripper” thing. And it’s always fun

  10. I would laugh. I’d prefer it to be an inside joke sexy like Sam Smith’s walk towards you meme from the Unholy music video. If he was serious I’d feel bad for laughing but I’d probably still laugh.

  11. I’d be laughing, then join the fun in running to my wallet and slap his ass with banknotes.

  12. I’d giggle and make him feel sexy. I wouldn’t be surprised at all, it wouldn’t be out of character for him haha

  13. This would make me feel really uncomfortable and embarrassed for him, definitely not a turn on.

  14. Be ecstatic. I have been begging her for years to take the initiative and showing interest in sexy times and not just appease

  15. I mean I don’t like it and if my SO who knows I don’t like it and does it anyway I would be PISSED

  16. I’ve never expressed an interest in that and neither has my SO so I’d be surprised and confused.

    If you’re trying to turn your partner on and/or give them a thrill, the strategy you pick to do so should be chosen based on what they actually enjoy and have expressed interest in.

  17. I honestly think it would be great, whether the intention is to set a sexy mood (I think this would need previous discussion as I wouldn’t like to take it as a joke when this requires a mutual trust.) but even if the intention is just to play around with some silly costume, either way I would be very flattered if the other person had the confidence to do something like that for me.

  18. I’d be down for a sexy dance just about any time, but some Valentine’s Day striptease sexy thing? Awww yeah! That sounds like heaven!

  19. He knows I’m laughing bc I can’t help myself when I’m nervous I laugh.
    But if he’s actually serious and trying to impress me or be sexy for me, shit…I’ll let him slap me with his dick if he wants. Put it in my face!

  20. Omg! I just imagined my hubs dou ng something like that and I can’t get it off my head… 🤪🤪🤪

  21. I’d be very happy. She’s an amazing dancer, and sexy dancing is definitely among her talents

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