I have a hard time talking to boys as it is, but I have a growing population of males at my workplace and I struggle to talk with them when it’s just them and I…
Any advice on how to start conversations with male coworkers or male friends in general?

  1. Ask them about their hobbies and interests or what they did on the weekend. Maybe that’ll bring up some interesting topic

  2. Ask them if they have seen Deliverance and if they say know ask them if they want to go camping.

  3. Bet you £20 my dick is smaller, one person wins £20 the other wins eternal satisfaction.

  4. “What’s your favorite theme of legos?”

    “What are your top 3 firearms for the apocalypse?”

    “What were your favorite sports to play as a kid?”

    “Who was your favorite starwars character, and why was it Boba Fett? Also, why do the sequels suck?”

  5. Videogames in general are a sure bet tbh, and depending on the guy camping/hiking is good, although that’s just for everyone. And here we have the ultimate ez life hack way to start a conversation: ask for help with something

  6. Don’t know. I can’t carry out a conversation past “hows the weather” before sounding like a creepy weirdo.

  7. Just start with “hey guys how’s it going” or “what’s up” and then see how to respond. Most guys are very simple to initiate conversation with.

  8. I don’t know if it’s any good, but the question “So what’s your story” has served me pretty well, no matter what they say can lead onto a conversation

  9. Same way you start convos with women. And vice versa for the dudes reading this too!!

  10. I feel like video games or sports (or both) would be a pretty sure bet.

    Ask a guy his favourite game or his favourite sport and then get them to tell you a little about it, most guys would be more than happy to chat about it if prompted.

  11. I once had a pretty interesting conversation with a girl about floor tiles. Why did they choose this pattern? Did they build a wall here at some point? It kind of looks like one guy said staircase and the other guy said flower pattern and then they met in the middle and went for lunch. They probably got married and had five kids. I enjoyed that conversation.

  12. This is a little ridiculous but I found after a couple of years most people if asked if they would a fazer from Star Wars or a light saver which would they use to take down a wooly mammoth

  13. I always go with the ‘weekend’s when I’m starting a conversation or looking for something to say for first time / small talk etc.

    Did you have a good weekend, almost the weekend, what a week, any plans for the weekend.

    Saves asking about a specific ‘thing’ that I can’t follow up on. If I ask about a sporting event I’ll probably have no idea about it and will be lost.

    If you are working together talk about the commute, the building or anything shared.

  14. If someone came up to me and said “I’m terrible at starting conversations, so… What are your thoughts on [insert randomly selected animal here]?” this would absolutely make me interested in talking with this person. They’re clearly too silly and ridiculous to be nervous around, they want to talk, and no topic is too dumb to bring up. Like 80-90% of the anxiety about meeting someone new and breaking the ice would be gone in one go.

    Equally silly, random questions will probably do the trick for most guys, from my experience. Just don’t be surprised if you get asked equally ridiculous things right back.

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